Represents the parameters that are needed to start the PayPal Checkout flow
See also
The transaction amount in currency units (as * determined by setCurrencyCode). For example, "1.20" corresponds to one dollar and twenty cents. Amount must be a non-negative number, may optionally contain exactly 2 decimal places separated by '.' and is limited to 7 digits before the decimal point.
Display a custom description to the user for a billing agreement. This property is optional.
Contact information of the recipient for the order
A valid ISO currency code to use for the transaction. Defaults to merchant currency code if not set.
The merchant name displayed in the PayPal flow; defaults to the company name on your Braintree account.
Used to determine if the customer will use the PayPal app switch flow. Defaults to false
is a required property that informs the SDK if your application has obtained consent from the user to collect location data in compliance with Google Play Developer Program policies This flag enables PayPal to collect necessary information required for Fraud Detection and Risk Management.
Payment intent. Must be set to PayPalPaymentIntent.SALE for immediate payment, PayPalPaymentIntent.AUTHORIZE to authorize a payment for capture later, or PayPalPaymentIntent.ORDER to create an order.
Whether to allow the the shipping address to be editable. Defaults to false. Set to true to enable user editing of the shipping address. Only applies when PayPalRequest.shippingAddressOverride is set with a PostalAddress.
Whether to hide the shipping address in the flow. Defaults to false. When set to true, the shipping address selector will be displayed.
Use this option to specify the PayPal page to display when a user lands on the PayPal site to complete the payment.
The line items for this transaction. It can include up to 249 line items.
A locale code to use for the transaction. Supported locales are:
, de_DE
, en_AU
, en_GB
, en_US
, es_ES
, es_XC
, fr_CA
, fr_FR
, fr_XC
, id_ID
, it_IT
, ja_JP
, ko_KR
, nl_NL
, no_NO
, pl_PL
, pt_BR
, pt_PT
, ru_RU
, sv_SE
, th_TH
, tr_TR
, zh_CN
, zh_HK
, zh_TW
, zh_XC
Specify a merchant account Id other than the default to use during tokenization.
A risk correlation ID created with Set Transaction Context on your server.
a custom PostalAddress, A valid shipping address to be displayed in the transaction flow. An error will occur if this address is not valid.
Server side shipping callback URL to be notified when a customer updates their shipping address or options. A callback request will be sent to the merchant server at this URL.
the shopper session ID returned from your shopper insights server SDK integration
Offers PayPal Pay Later if the customer qualifies. Defaults to false.
Whether to request billing agreement during checkout.
The call-to-action in the PayPal Checkout flow.
User email to initiate a quicker authentication flow in cases where the user has a PayPal Account with the same email.
User phone number used to initiate a quicker authentication flow in cases where the user has a PayPal Account with the phone number.