Package-level declarations
DTO for analytics events. See also: AnalyticsEvent It is a catch-all data class for any parameters any of the modules wants to send. As such, not all parameters are required at each call site.
This class is responsible for holding parameters that are sent with analytic events.
Error class thrown when app switch to the corresponding wallet is not possible
Repository to hold the state of the app switch flow.
Core Braintree class that handles network requests.
Parent class for exceptions encountered when using the SDK.
Request codes that Braintree uses when communicating between Android Activities and Fragments.
Contains the remote configuration for the Braintree Android SDK.
Callback for receiving result of BraintreeClient.getConfiguration.
Error class thrown when a configuration value is invalid
Error container returned when the Braintree server returns a 422 Unprocessible Entity. A 422 occurs when a request is properly formed, but the server was unable to take the requested action due to bad user data.
The annotated method or class is in beta. It's public API may change or be removed in future releases.
Use case that returns a return link that should be used for navigating from App Switch / CCT back into the merchant app. It handles both App Links and Deep Links.
Error thrown when arguments provided to a method are invalid.
Used to describe the link type for analytics Note: This enum is exposed for internal Braintree use only. Do not use. It is not covered by Semantic Versioning and may change or be removed at any time.
An internal repository that holds properties set by the integrating merchant.
PaymentMethod represents the common interface of all payment method.
Base class representing a method of payment for a customer. PaymentMethodNonce represents the common interface of all payment method nonces, and can be handled by a server interchangeably.
Object representing a postal address
Error class thrown when a user cancels a payment flow