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PayPalDataCollector is used to collect PayPal specific device information to aid in fraud detection and prevention.

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fun interface DataCollectorCallback

Callback for receiving result of DataCollector.collectDeviceData

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data class DataCollectorInternalRequest(val hasUserLocationConsent: Boolean, var additionalData: HashMap<String, String>? = null, var applicationGuid: String? = null, var isDisableBeacon: Boolean = false)

Used to configuration the PayPalDataCollector request

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data class DataCollectorRequest @JvmOverloads constructor(val hasUserLocationConsent: Boolean, val riskCorrelationId: String? = null)

Parameters needed when the SDK collects data for fraud identification purposes

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sealed class DataCollectorResult

Result of collecting device data for fraud detection

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class MagnesInternalClient(magnesSDK: MagnesSDK = MagnesSDK.getInstance())