
data class AnalyticsEventParams @JvmOverloads constructor(val payPalContextId: String? = null, val linkType: String? = null, val isVaultRequest: Boolean = false, val startTime: Long? = null, val endTime: Long? = null, val endpoint: String? = null, val experiment: String? = null, val appSwitchUrl: String? = null, val shopperSessionId: String? = null, val buttonType: String? = null, val buttonOrder: String? = null, val pageType: String? = null)

DTO for analytics events. See also: AnalyticsEvent It is a catch-all data class for any parameters any of the modules wants to send. As such, not all parameters are required at each call site.


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constructor(payPalContextId: String? = null, linkType: String? = null, isVaultRequest: Boolean = false, startTime: Long? = null, endTime: Long? = null, endpoint: String? = null, experiment: String? = null, appSwitchUrl: String? = null, shopperSessionId: String? = null, buttonType: String? = null, buttonOrder: String? = null, pageType: String? = null)


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val appSwitchUrl: String? = null
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val buttonOrder: String? = null

The order or ranking in which payment buttons appear.

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val buttonType: String? = null

buttonType Represents the tapped button type.

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val endpoint: String? = null

The endpoint being called.

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val endTime: Long? = null

HttpResponseTiming end time.

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val experiment: String? = null

Currently a ShopperInsights module specific event that indicates the experiment, as a JSON string, that the merchant sent to the us.

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val isVaultRequest: Boolean = false

Indicates whether the request was a BillingAgreement(BA)/Vault request.

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val linkType: String? = null

Indicates whether a deeplink or an app link was used to launch the app. Also see LinkType.

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val pageType: String? = null

The page or view that a button is displayed on.

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val payPalContextId: String? = null

Used for linking events from the client to server side request.

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The Shopper Insights customer session ID created by a merchant's server SDK or graphQL integration.

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val startTime: Long? = null

HttpResponseTiming start time.