
open class DropInClient

Used to launch Drop-in and handle results


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open fun DropInClient(context: Context, authorization: String, dropInRequest: DropInRequest)
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open fun DropInClient(activity: FragmentActivity, dropInRequest: DropInRequest, authorization: String)
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open fun DropInClient(activity: FragmentActivity, authorization: String)
Create a new instance of DropInClient from within an Activity using a Tokenization Key authorization.
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open fun DropInClient(fragment: Fragment, dropInRequest: DropInRequest, authorization: String)
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open fun DropInClient(fragment: Fragment, authorization: String)
Create a new instance of DropInClient from within a Fragment using a Tokenization Key authorization.
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open fun DropInClient(activity: FragmentActivity, dropInRequest: DropInRequest, clientTokenProvider: ClientTokenProvider)
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open fun DropInClient(activity: FragmentActivity, clientTokenProvider: ClientTokenProvider)
Create a new instance of DropInClient from within an Activity using a ClientTokenProvider to fetch authorization.
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open fun DropInClient(fragment: Fragment, dropInRequest: DropInRequest, clientTokenProvider: ClientTokenProvider)
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open fun DropInClient(fragment: Fragment, clientTokenProvider: ClientTokenProvider)
Create a new instance of DropInClient from within a Fragment using a ClientTokenProvider to fetch authorization.


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Called to get a user's existing payment method, if any.
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For clients using a ClientTokenProvider, call this method to invalidate the existing, cached client token.
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open fun launchDropIn()

open fun launchDropIn(request: DropInRequest)
Called to launch a DropInActivity.
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open fun launchDropInForResult(activity: FragmentActivity, requestCode: Int)
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open fun setListener(listener: DropInListener)
Add a DropInListener to your client to receive results or errors from DropIn.