
'use strict';

var assign = require('../../lib/assign').assign;
var createAssetsUrl = require('../../lib/create-assets-url');
var isVerifiedDomain = require('../../lib/is-verified-domain');
var Destructor = require('../../lib/destructor');
var classList = require('@braintree/class-list');
var iFramer = require('@braintree/iframer');
var Bus = require('framebus');
var createDeferredClient = require('../../lib/create-deferred-client');
var BraintreeError = require('../../lib/braintree-error');
var composeUrl = require('./compose-url');
var getStylesFromClass = require('./get-styles-from-class');
var constants = require('../shared/constants');
var errors = require('../shared/errors');
var INTEGRATION_TIMEOUT_MS = require('../../lib/constants').INTEGRATION_TIMEOUT_MS;
var uuid = require('@braintree/uuid');
var findParentTags = require('../shared/find-parent-tags');
var browserDetection = require('../shared/browser-detection');
var events =;
var EventEmitter = require('@braintree/event-emitter');
var injectFrame = require('./inject-frame');
var analytics = require('../../lib/analytics');
var allowedFields = constants.allowedFields;
var methods = require('../../lib/methods');
var shadow = require('../../lib/shadow');
var findRootNode = require('../../lib/find-root-node');
var convertMethodsToError = require('../../lib/convert-methods-to-error');
var sharedErrors = require('../../lib/errors');
var getCardTypes = require('../shared/get-card-types');
var attributeValidationError = require('./attribute-validation-error');
var Promise = require('../../lib/promise');
var wrapPromise = require('@braintree/wrap-promise');
var focusChange = require('./focus-change');
var destroyFocusIntercept = require('../shared/focus-intercept').destroy;


 * @typedef {object} HostedFields~tokenizePayload
 * @property {string} nonce The payment method nonce.
 * @property {object} authenticationInsight Info about the [regulatory environment]( of the tokenized card. Only available if `authenticationInsight.merchantAccountId` is passed in the `tokenize` method options.
 * @property {string} authenticationInsight.regulationEnvironment The [regulation environment]( for the tokenized card.
 * @property {object} details Additional account details.
 * @property {string} details.bin The BIN number of the card.
 * @property {string} details.cardType Type of card, ex: Visa, MasterCard.
 * @property {string} details.expirationMonth The expiration month of the card.
 * @property {string} details.expirationYear The expiration year of the card.
 * @property {string} details.cardholderName The cardholder name tokenized with the card.
 * @property {string} details.lastFour Last four digits of card number.
 * @property {string} details.lastTwo Last two digits of card number.
 * @property {string} description A human-readable description.
 * @property {string} type The payment method type, always `CreditCard`.
 * @property {object} binData Information about the card based on the bin.
 * @property {string} binData.commercial Possible values: 'Yes', 'No', 'Unknown'.
 * @property {string} binData.countryOfIssuance The country of issuance.
 * @property {string} binData.debit Possible values: 'Yes', 'No', 'Unknown'.
 * @property {string} binData.durbinRegulated Possible values: 'Yes', 'No', 'Unknown'.
 * @property {string} Possible values: 'Yes', 'No', 'Unknown'.
 * @property {string} binData.issuingBank The issuing bank.
 * @property {string} binData.payroll Possible values: 'Yes', 'No', 'Unknown'.
 * @property {string} binData.prepaid Possible values: 'Yes', 'No', 'Unknown'.
 * @property {string} binData.productId The product id.

 * @typedef {object} HostedFields~stateObject
 * @description The event payload sent from {@link HostedFields#on|on} or {@link HostedFields#getState|getState}.
 * @property {HostedFields~hostedFieldsCard[]} cards
 * This will return an array of potential {@link HostedFields~hostedFieldsCard|cards}. If the card type has been determined, the array will contain only one card.
 * Internally, Hosted Fields uses <a href="">credit-card-type</a>,
 * an open-source card detection library.
 * @property {string} emittedBy
 * The name of the field associated with an event. This will not be included if returned by {@link HostedFields#getState|getState}. It will be one of the following strings:<br>
 * - `"number"`
 * - `"cvv"`
 * - `"expirationDate"`
 * - `"expirationMonth"`
 * - `"expirationYear"`
 * - `"postalCode"`
 * - `"cardholderName"`
 * @property {object} fields
 * @property {?HostedFields~hostedFieldsFieldData} fields.number {@link HostedFields~hostedFieldsFieldData|hostedFieldsFieldData} for the number field, if it is present.
 * @property {?HostedFields~hostedFieldsFieldData} fields.cvv {@link HostedFields~hostedFieldsFieldData|hostedFieldsFieldData} for the CVV field, if it is present.
 * @property {?HostedFields~hostedFieldsFieldData} fields.expirationDate {@link HostedFields~hostedFieldsFieldData|hostedFieldsFieldData} for the expiration date field, if it is present.
 * @property {?HostedFields~hostedFieldsFieldData} fields.expirationMonth {@link HostedFields~hostedFieldsFieldData|hostedFieldsFieldData} for the expiration month field, if it is present.
 * @property {?HostedFields~hostedFieldsFieldData} fields.expirationYear {@link HostedFields~hostedFieldsFieldData|hostedFieldsFieldData} for the expiration year field, if it is present.
 * @property {?HostedFields~hostedFieldsFieldData} fields.postalCode {@link HostedFields~hostedFieldsFieldData|hostedFieldsFieldData} for the postal code field, if it is present.
 * @property {?HostedFields~hostedFieldsFieldData} fields.cardholderName {@link HostedFields~hostedFieldsFieldData|hostedFieldsFieldData} for the cardholder name field, if it is present.

 * @typedef {object} HostedFields~binPayload
 * @description The event payload sent from {@link HostedFields#on|on} when the {@link HostedFields#event:binAvailable|binAvailable} event is emitted.
 * @property {string} bin The first 6 digits of the card number.

 * @typedef {object} HostedFields~hostedFieldsFieldData
 * @description Data about Hosted Fields fields, sent in {@link HostedFields~stateObject|stateObjects}.
 * @property {HTMLElement} container Reference to the container DOM element on your page associated with the current event.
 * @property {boolean} isFocused Whether or not the input is currently focused.
 * @property {boolean} isEmpty Whether or not the user has entered a value in the input.
 * @property {boolean} isPotentiallyValid
 * A determination based on the future validity of the input value.
 * This is helpful when a user is entering a card number and types <code>"41"</code>.
 * While that value is not valid for submission, it is still possible for
 * it to become a fully qualified entry. However, if the user enters <code>"4x"</code>
 * it is clear that the card number can never become valid and isPotentiallyValid will
 * return false.
 * @property {boolean} isValid Whether or not the value of the associated input is <i>fully</i> qualified for submission.

 * @typedef {object} HostedFields~hostedFieldsCard
 * @description Information about the card type, sent in {@link HostedFields~stateObject|stateObjects}.
 * @property {string} type The code-friendly representation of the card type. It will be one of the following strings:
 * - `american-express`
 * - `diners-club`
 * - `discover`
 * - `jcb`
 * - `maestro`
 * - `master-card`
 * - `unionpay`
 * - `visa`
 * @property {string} niceType The pretty-printed card type. It will be one of the following strings:
 * - `American Express`
 * - `Diners Club`
 * - `Discover`
 * - `JCB`
 * - `Maestro`
 * - `MasterCard`
 * - `UnionPay`
 * - `Visa`
 * @property {object} code
 * This object contains data relevant to the security code requirements of the card brand.
 * For example, on a Visa card there will be a <code>CVV</code> of 3 digits, whereas an
 * American Express card requires a 4-digit <code>CID</code>.
 * @property {string} <code>"CVV"</code> <code>"CID"</code> <code>"CVC"</code>
 * @property {number} code.size The expected length of the security code. Typically, this is 3 or 4.

 * @name HostedFields#on
 * @function
 * @param {string} event The name of the event to which you are subscribing.
 * @param {function} handler A callback to handle the event.
 * @description Subscribes a handler function to a named event.
 * **Events that emit a {@link HostedFields~stateObject|stateObject}.**
 * * {@link HostedFields#event:blur|blur}
 * * {@link HostedFields#event:focus|focus}
 * * {@link HostedFields#event:empty|empty}
 * * {@link HostedFields#event:notEmpty|notEmpty}
 * * {@link HostedFields#event:cardTypeChange|cardTypeChange}
 * * {@link HostedFields#event:validityChange|validityChange}
 * * {@link HostedFields#event:inputSubmitRequest|inputSubmitRequest}
 * **Other Events**
 * * {@link HostedFields#event:binAvailable|binAvailable} - emits a {@link HostedFields~binPayload|bin payload}
 * @example
 * <caption>Listening to a Hosted Field event, in this case 'focus'</caption>
 * hostedFields.create({ ... }, function (createErr, hostedFieldsInstance) {
 *   hostedFieldsInstance.on('focus', function (event) {
 *     console.log(event.emittedBy, 'has been focused');
 *   });
 * });
 * @returns {void}

 * @name HostedFields#off
 * @function
 * @param {string} event The name of the event to which you are unsubscribing.
 * @param {function} handler The callback for the event you are unsubscribing from.
 * @description Unsubscribes the handler function to a named event.
 * @example
 * <caption>Subscribing and then unsubscribing from a Hosted Field event, in this case 'focus'</caption>
 * hostedFields.create({ ... }, function (createErr, hostedFieldsInstance) {
 *   var callback = function (event) {
 *     console.log(event.emittedBy, 'has been focused');
 *   };
 *   hostedFieldsInstance.on('focus', callback);
 *   // later on
 *'focus', callback);
 * });
 * @returns {void}

 * This event is emitted when the user requests submission of an input field, such as by pressing the Enter or Return key on their keyboard, or mobile equivalent.
 * @event HostedFields#inputSubmitRequest
 * @type {HostedFields~stateObject}
 * @example
 * <caption>Clicking a submit button upon hitting Enter (or equivalent) within a Hosted Field</caption>
 * var hostedFields = require('braintree-web/hosted-fields');
 * var submitButton = document.querySelector('input[type="submit"]');
 * hostedFields.create({ ... }, function (createErr, hostedFieldsInstance) {
 *   hostedFieldsInstance.on('inputSubmitRequest', function () {
 *     // User requested submission, e.g. by pressing Enter or equivalent
 *   });
 * });

 * This event is emitted when a field transitions from having data to being empty.
 * @event HostedFields#empty
 * @type {HostedFields~stateObject}
 * @example
 * <caption>Listening to an empty event</caption>
 * hostedFields.create({ ... }, function (createErr, hostedFieldsInstance) {
 *   hostedFieldsInstance.on('empty', function (event) {
 *     console.log(event.emittedBy, 'is now empty');
 *   });
 * });

 * This event is emitted when a field transitions from being empty to having data.
 * @event HostedFields#notEmpty
 * @type {HostedFields~stateObject}
 * @example
 * <caption>Listening to an notEmpty event</caption>
 * hostedFields.create({ ... }, function (createErr, hostedFieldsInstance) {
 *   hostedFieldsInstance.on('notEmpty', function (event) {
 *     console.log(event.emittedBy, 'is now not empty');
 *   });
 * });

 * This event is emitted when a field loses focus.
 * @event HostedFields#blur
 * @type {HostedFields~stateObject}
 * @example
 * <caption>Listening to a blur event</caption>
 * hostedFields.create({ ... }, function (createErr, hostedFieldsInstance) {
 *   hostedFieldsInstance.on('blur', function (event) {
 *     console.log(event.emittedBy, 'lost focus');
 *   });
 * });

 * This event is emitted when a field gains focus.
 * @event HostedFields#focus
 * @type {HostedFields~stateObject}
 * @example
 * <caption>Listening to a focus event</caption>
 * hostedFields.create({ ... }, function (createErr, hostedFieldsInstance) {
 *   hostedFieldsInstance.on('focus', function (event) {
 *     console.log(event.emittedBy, 'gained focus');
 *   });
 * });

 * This event is emitted when activity within the number field has changed such that the possible card type has changed.
 * @event HostedFields#cardTypeChange
 * @type {HostedFields~stateObject}
 * @example
 * <caption>Listening to a cardTypeChange event</caption>
 * hostedFields.create({ ... }, function (createErr, hostedFieldsInstance) {
 *   hostedFieldsInstance.on('cardTypeChange', function (event) {
 *     if ( === 1) {
 *       console.log([0].type);
 *     } else {
 *       console.log('Type of card not yet known');
 *     }
 *   });
 * });

 * This event is emitted when the validity of a field has changed. Validity is represented in the {@link HostedFields~stateObject|stateObject} as two booleans: `isValid` and `isPotentiallyValid`.
 * @event HostedFields#validityChange
 * @type {HostedFields~stateObject}
 * @example
 * <caption>Listening to a validityChange event</caption>
 * hostedFields.create({ ... }, function (createErr, hostedFieldsInstance) {
 *   hostedFieldsInstance.on('validityChange', function (event) {
 *     var field = event.fields[event.emittedBy];
 *     if (field.isValid) {
 *       console.log(event.emittedBy, 'is fully valid');
 *     } else if (field.isPotentiallyValid) {
 *       console.log(event.emittedBy, 'is potentially valid');
 *     } else {
 *       console.log(event.emittedBy, 'is not valid');
 *     }
 *   });
 * });

 * This event is emitted when the first 6 digits of the card number have been entered by the customer.
 * @event HostedFields#binAvailable
 * @type {string}
 * @example
 * <caption>Listening to a `binAvailable` event</caption>
 * hostedFields.create({ ... }, function (createErr, hostedFieldsInstance) {
 *   hostedFieldsInstance.on('binAvailable', function (event) {
 *     event.bin // send bin to 3rd party bin service
 *   });
 * });

function createInputEventHandler(fields) {
  return function (eventData) {
    var field;
    var merchantPayload = eventData.merchantPayload;
    var emittedBy = merchantPayload.emittedBy;
    var container = fields[emittedBy].containerElement;

    Object.keys(merchantPayload.fields).forEach(function (key) {
      merchantPayload.fields[key].container = fields[key].containerElement;

    field = merchantPayload.fields[emittedBy];

    if (eventData.type === 'blur') {

    classList.toggle(container, constants.externalClasses.FOCUSED, field.isFocused);
    classList.toggle(container, constants.externalClasses.VALID, field.isValid);
    classList.toggle(container, constants.externalClasses.INVALID, !field.isPotentiallyValid);

    this._state = {// eslint-disable-line no-invalid-this
      fields: merchantPayload.fields

    this._emit(eventData.type, merchantPayload); // eslint-disable-line no-invalid-this

// iOS Safari has a bug where inputs in iframes
// will not dismiss the keyboard when they lose
// focus. We create a hidden button input that we
// can focus on and blur to force the keyboard to
// dismiss. See #229
function performBlurFixForIos(container) {
  var hiddenInput;

  if (!browserDetection.isIos()) {

  if (document.activeElement === document.body) {
    hiddenInput = container.querySelector('input');

    if (!hiddenInput) {
      hiddenInput = document.createElement('input');

      hiddenInput.type = 'button'; = '0px'; = '0px'; = '0'; = '0'; = 'absolute'; = '-200%'; = '0px';

      container.insertBefore(hiddenInput, container.firstChild);


function isVisibleEnough(node) {
  var boundingBox = node.getBoundingClientRect();
  var verticalMidpoint = Math.floor(boundingBox.height / 2);
  var horizontalMidpoint = Math.floor(boundingBox.width / 2);

  return ( < (window.innerHeight - verticalMidpoint || document.documentElement.clientHeight - verticalMidpoint) &&
    boundingBox.right > horizontalMidpoint &&
    boundingBox.bottom > verticalMidpoint &&
    boundingBox.left < (window.innerWidth - horizontalMidpoint || document.documentElement.clientWidth - horizontalMidpoint)

 * @class HostedFields
 * @param {object} options The Hosted Fields {@link module:braintree-web/hosted-fields.create create} options.
 * @description <strong>Do not use this constructor directly. Use {@link module:braintree-web/hosted-fields.create|braintree-web.hosted-fields.create} instead.</strong>
 * @classdesc This class represents a Hosted Fields component produced by {@link module:braintree-web/hosted-fields.create|braintree-web/hosted-fields.create}. Instances of this class have methods for interacting with the input fields within Hosted Fields' iframes.
function HostedFields(options) {
  var failureTimeout, clientConfig, assetsUrl, isDebug, hostedFieldsUrl;
  var self = this;
  var fields = {};
  var frameReadyPromiseResolveFunctions = {};
  var frameReadyPromises = [];
  var componentId = uuid();

  this._merchantConfigurationOptions = assign({}, options);

  if (options.client) {
    clientConfig = options.client.getConfiguration();
    assetsUrl = clientConfig.gatewayConfiguration.assetsUrl;
    isDebug = clientConfig.isDebug;
  } else {
    assetsUrl = createAssetsUrl.create(options.authorization);
    isDebug = Boolean(options.isDebug);

  this._clientPromise = createDeferredClient.create({
    client: options.client,
    authorization: options.authorization,
    debug: isDebug,
    assetsUrl: assetsUrl,
    name: 'Hosted Fields'

  hostedFieldsUrl = composeUrl(assetsUrl, componentId, isDebug);

  if (!options.fields || Object.keys(options.fields).length === 0) {
    throw new BraintreeError({
      type: sharedErrors.INSTANTIATION_OPTION_REQUIRED.type,
      code: sharedErrors.INSTANTIATION_OPTION_REQUIRED.code,
      message: 'options.fields is required when instantiating Hosted Fields.'

  this._injectedNodes = [];
  this._destructor = new Destructor();
  this._fields = fields;
  this._state = {
    fields: {},
    cards: getCardTypes('')

  this._bus = new Bus({
    channel: componentId,
    verifyDomain: isVerifiedDomain

  this._destructor.registerFunctionForTeardown(function () {

  // NEXT_MAJOR_VERSION analytics events should have present tense verbs
  if (!options.client) {
    analytics.sendEvent(this._clientPromise, 'custom.hosted-fields.initialized.deferred-client');
  } else {
    analytics.sendEvent(this._clientPromise, 'custom.hosted-fields.initialized');

  Object.keys(options.fields).forEach(function (key) {
    var field, externalContainer, internalContainer, frame, frameReadyPromise;

    if (!constants.allowedFields.hasOwnProperty(key)) {
      throw new BraintreeError({
        type: errors.HOSTED_FIELDS_INVALID_FIELD_KEY.type,
        code: errors.HOSTED_FIELDS_INVALID_FIELD_KEY.code,
        message: '"' + key + '" is not a valid field.'

    field = options.fields[key];
    // NEXT_MAJOR_VERSION remove selector as an option
    // and simply make the API take a container
    externalContainer = field.container || field.selector;

    if (typeof externalContainer === 'string') {
      externalContainer = document.querySelector(externalContainer);

    if (!externalContainer || externalContainer.nodeType !== 1) {
      throw new BraintreeError({
        message: errors.HOSTED_FIELDS_INVALID_FIELD_SELECTOR.message,
        details: {
          fieldSelector: field.selector,
          fieldContainer: field.container,
          fieldKey: key
    } else if (externalContainer.querySelector('iframe[name^="braintree-"]')) {
      throw new BraintreeError({
        message: errors.HOSTED_FIELDS_FIELD_DUPLICATE_IFRAME.message,
        details: {
          fieldSelector: field.selector,
          fieldContainer: field.container,
          fieldKey: key

    internalContainer = externalContainer;

    if (shadow.isShadowElement(internalContainer)) {
      internalContainer = shadow.transformToSlot(internalContainer, 'height: 100%');

    if (field.maxlength && typeof field.maxlength !== 'number') {
      throw new BraintreeError({
        message: 'The value for maxlength must be a number.',
        details: {
          fieldKey: key

    if (field.minlength && typeof field.minlength !== 'number') {
      throw new BraintreeError({
        message: 'The value for minlength must be a number.',
        details: {
          fieldKey: key

    frame = iFramer({
      type: key,
      name: 'braintree-hosted-field-' + key,
      style: constants.defaultIFrameStyle,
      title: field.iframeTitle || 'Secure Credit Card Frame - ' + constants.allowedFields[key].label

    this._injectedNodes.push.apply(this._injectedNodes, injectFrame(componentId, frame, internalContainer, function () {

    this._setupLabelFocus(key, externalContainer);
    fields[key] = {
      frameElement: frame,
      containerElement: externalContainer
    frameReadyPromise = new Promise(function (resolve) {
      frameReadyPromiseResolveFunctions[key] = resolve;

    this._state.fields[key] = {
      isEmpty: true,
      isValid: false,
      isPotentiallyValid: true,
      isFocused: false,
      container: externalContainer

    setTimeout(function () {
      // Edge has an intermittent issue where
      // the iframes load, but the JavaScript
      // can't message out to the parent page.
      // We can fix this by setting the src
      // to about:blank first followed by
      // the actual source. Both instances
      // of setting the src need to be in a
      // setTimeout to work.
      if (browserDetection.isIE() || browserDetection.isEdge()) {
        frame.src = 'about:blank';
        setTimeout(function () {
          frame.src = hostedFieldsUrl;
        }, 0);
      } else {
        frame.src = hostedFieldsUrl;
    }, 0);

  if (this._merchantConfigurationOptions.styles) {
    Object.keys(this._merchantConfigurationOptions.styles).forEach(function (selector) {
      var className = self._merchantConfigurationOptions.styles[selector];

      if (typeof className === 'string') {
        self._merchantConfigurationOptions.styles[selector] = getStylesFromClass(className);

  this._bus.on(events.REMOVE_FOCUS_INTERCEPTS, function (data) {
    destroyFocusIntercept(data &&;

  this._bus.on(events.TRIGGER_FOCUS_CHANGE, focusChange.createFocusChangeHandler(componentId, {
    onRemoveFocusIntercepts: function (element) {
      self._bus.emit(events.REMOVE_FOCUS_INTERCEPTS, {
        id: element
    onTriggerInputFocus: function (targetType) {

  this._bus.on(events.READY_FOR_CLIENT, function (reply) {
    self._clientPromise.then(function (client) {

  this._bus.on(events.CARD_FORM_ENTRY_HAS_BEGUN, function () {
    analytics.sendEvent(self._clientPromise, 'hosted-fields.input.started');

  this._bus.on(events.BIN_AVAILABLE, function (bin) {
    self._emit('binAvailable', {
      bin: bin

  failureTimeout = setTimeout(function () {
    analytics.sendEvent(self._clientPromise, 'custom.hosted-fields.load.timed-out');

  Promise.all(frameReadyPromises).then(function (results) {
    var reply = results[0];




  this._bus.on(events.FRAME_READY, function (data, reply) {


  this._destructor.registerFunctionForTeardown(function () {
    var j, node, parent;

    for (j = 0; j < self._injectedNodes.length; j++) {
      node = self._injectedNodes[j];
      parent = node.parentNode;



  this._destructor.registerFunctionForTeardown(function () {

  this._destructor.registerFunctionForTeardown(function () {
    var methodNames = methods(HostedFields.prototype).concat(methods(EventEmitter.prototype));

    convertMethodsToError(self, methodNames);


HostedFields.prototype._setupLabelFocus = function (type, container) {
  var labels, i;
  var self = this;
  var rootNode = findRootNode(container);

  if ( == null) { return; }

  function triggerFocus() {

  // find any labels in the normal DOM
  labels ='label[for="' + + '"]'));
  if (rootNode !== document) {
    // find any labels within the shadow dom
    labels = labels.concat('label[for="' + + '"]')));
  // find any labels surrounding the container that don't also have the `for` attribute
  labels = labels.concat(findParentTags(container, 'label'));
  // filter out any accidental duplicates
  labels = labels.filter(function (label, index, arr) {
    return arr.indexOf(label) === index;

  for (i = 0; i < labels.length; i++) {
    labels[i].addEventListener('click', triggerFocus, false);

  this._destructor.registerFunctionForTeardown(function () {
    for (i = 0; i < labels.length; i++) {
      labels[i].removeEventListener('click', triggerFocus, false);

HostedFields.prototype._getAnyFieldContainer = function () {
  var self = this;

  return Object.keys(this._fields).reduce(function (found, field) {
    return found || self._fields[field].containerElement;
  }, null);

HostedFields.prototype._cleanUpFocusIntercepts = function () {
  var iframeContainer, checkoutForm;

  if (document.forms.length < 1) {
  } else {
    iframeContainer = this._getAnyFieldContainer();
    checkoutForm = findParentTags(iframeContainer, 'form')[0];

    if (checkoutForm) {
      focusChange.removeExtraFocusElements(checkoutForm, function (id) {
        this._bus.emit(events.REMOVE_FOCUS_INTERCEPTS, {
          id: id
    } else {

HostedFields.prototype._attachInvalidFieldContainersToError = function (err) {
  if (!(err.details && err.details.invalidFieldKeys && err.details.invalidFieldKeys.length > 0)) {
  err.details.invalidFields = {};
  err.details.invalidFieldKeys.forEach(function (field) {
    err.details.invalidFields[field] = this._fields[field].containerElement;

 * Get card verification challenges, such as requirements for cvv and postal code.
 * @public
 * @param {callback} [callback] Called on completion, containing an error if one occurred. If no callback is provided, `getChallenges` returns a promise.
 * @example
 * hostedFieldsInstance.getChallenges().then(function (challenges) {
 *   challenges // ['cvv', 'postal_code']
 * });
 * @returns {(Promise|void)} Returns a promise if no callback is provided.
HostedFields.prototype.getChallenges = function () {
  return this._clientPromise.then(function (client) {
    return client.getConfiguration().gatewayConfiguration.challenges;

 * Get supported card types configured in the Braintree Control Panel
 * @public
 * @param {callback} [callback] Called on completion, containing an error if one occurred. If no callback is provided, `getSupportedCardTypes` returns a promise.
 * @example
 * hostedFieldsInstance.getSupportedCardTypes().then(function (cardTypes) {
 *   cardTypes // ['Visa', 'American Express', 'Mastercard']
 * });
 * @returns {(Promise|void)} Returns a promise if no callback is provided.
HostedFields.prototype.getSupportedCardTypes = function () {
  return this._clientPromise.then(function (client) {
    var cards = client.getConfiguration() (cardType) {
      if (cardType === 'MasterCard') {
        // Mastercard changed their branding. We can't update our
        // config without creating a breaking change, so we just
        // hard code the change here
        return 'Mastercard';

      return cardType;

    return cards;

 * Cleanly remove anything set up by {@link module:braintree-web/hosted-fields.create|create}.
 * @public
 * @param {callback} [callback] Called on completion, containing an error if one occurred. No data is returned if teardown completes successfully. If no callback is provided, `teardown` returns a promise.
 * @example
 * hostedFieldsInstance.teardown(function (teardownErr) {
 *   if (teardownErr) {
 *     console.error('Could not tear down Hosted Fields!');
 *   } else {
 *'Hosted Fields has been torn down!');
 *   }
 * });
 * @returns {(Promise|void)} Returns a promise if no callback is provided.
HostedFields.prototype.teardown = function () {
  var self = this;

  return new Promise(function (resolve, reject) {
    self._destructor.teardown(function (err) {
      analytics.sendEvent(self._clientPromise, 'custom.hosted-fields.teardown-completed');

      if (err) {
      } else {

 * Tokenizes fields and returns a nonce payload.
 * @public
 * @param {object} [options] All tokenization options for the Hosted Fields component.
 * @param {boolean} [options.vault=false] When true, will vault the tokenized card. Cards will only be vaulted when using a client created with a client token that includes a customer ID. Note: merchants using Advanced Fraud Tools should not use this option, as device data will not be included.
 * @param {object} [options.authenticationInsight] Options for checking authentication insight - the [regulatory environment]( of the tokenized card.
 * @param {string} options.authenticationInsight.merchantAccountId The Braintree merchant account id to use to look up the authentication insight information.
 * @param {array} [options.fieldsToTokenize] By default, all fields will be tokenized. You may specify which fields specifically you wish to tokenize with this property. Valid options are `'number'`, `'cvv'`, `'expirationDate'`, `'expirationMonth'`, `'expirationYear'`, `'postalCode'`, `'cardholderName'`.
 * @param {string} [options.cardholderName] When supplied, the cardholder name to be tokenized with the contents of the fields.
 * @param {string} [options.billingAddress.postalCode] When supplied, this postal code will be tokenized along with the contents of the fields. If a postal code is provided as part of the Hosted Fields configuration, the value of the field will be tokenized and this value will be ignored.
 * @param {string} [options.billingAddress.firstName] When supplied, this customer first name will be tokenized along with the contents of the fields.
 * @param {string} [options.billingAddress.lastName] When supplied, this customer last name will be tokenized along with the contents of the fields.
 * @param {string} [] When supplied, this company name will be tokenized along with the contents of the fields.
 * @param {string} [options.billingAddress.streetAddress] When supplied, this street address will be tokenized along with the contents of the fields.
 * @param {string} [options.billingAddress.extendedAddress] When supplied, this extended address will be tokenized along with the contents of the fields.
 * @param {string} [options.billingAddress.locality] When supplied, this locality (the city) will be tokenized along with the contents of the fields.
 * @param {string} [options.billingAddress.region] When supplied, this region (the state) will be tokenized along with the contents of the fields.
 * @param {string} [options.billingAddress.countryCodeNumeric] When supplied, this numeric country code will be tokenized along with the contents of the fields.
 * @param {string} [options.billingAddress.countryCodeAlpha2] When supplied, this alpha 2 representation of a country will be tokenized along with the contents of the fields.
 * @param {string} [options.billingAddress.countryCodeAlpha3] When supplied, this alpha 3 representation of a country will be tokenized along with the contents of the fields.
 * @param {string} [options.billingAddress.countryName] When supplied, this country name will be tokenized along with the contents of the fields.
 * @param {callback} [callback] May be used as the only parameter of the function if no options are passed in. The second argument, <code>data</code>, is a {@link HostedFields~tokenizePayload|tokenizePayload}. If no callback is provided, `tokenize` returns a function that resolves with a {@link HostedFields~tokenizePayload|tokenizePayload}.
 * @example <caption>Tokenize a card</caption>
 * hostedFieldsInstance.tokenize(function (tokenizeErr, payload) {
 *   if (tokenizeErr) {
 *     switch (tokenizeErr.code) {
 *         // occurs when none of the fields are filled in
 *         console.error('All fields are empty! Please fill out the form.');
 *         break;
 *         // occurs when certain fields do not pass client side validation
 *         console.error('Some fields are invalid:', tokenizeErr.details.invalidFieldKeys);
 *         // you can also programmatically access the field containers for the invalid fields
 *         tokenizeErr.details.invalidFields.forEach(function (fieldContainer) {
 *           fieldContainer.className = 'invalid';
 *         });
 *         break;
 *         // occurs when:
 *         //   * the client token used for client authorization was generated
 *         //     with a customer ID and the fail on duplicate payment method
 *         //     option is set to true
 *         //   * the card being tokenized has previously been vaulted (with any customer)
 *         // See:
 *         console.error('This payment method already exists in your vault.');
 *         break;
 *         // occurs when:
 *         //   * the client token used for client authorization was generated
 *         //     with a customer ID and the verify card option is set to true
 *         //     and you have credit card verification turned on in the Braintree
 *         //     control panel
 *         //   * the cvv does not pass verification (
 *         // See:
 *         console.error('CVV did not pass verification');
 *         break;
 *         // occurs for any other tokenization error on the server
 *         console.error('Tokenization failed server side. Is the card valid?');
 *         break;
 *         // occurs when the Braintree gateway cannot be contacted
 *         console.error('Network error occurred when tokenizing.');
 *         break;
 *       default:
 *         console.error('Something bad happened!', tokenizeErr);
 *     }
 *   } else {
 *     console.log('Got nonce:', payload.nonce);
 *   }
 * });
 * @example <caption>Tokenize and vault a card</caption>
 * hostedFieldsInstance.tokenize({
 *   vault: true
 * }, function (tokenizeErr, payload) {
 *   if (tokenizeErr) {
 *     console.error(tokenizeErr);
 *   } else {
 *     console.log('Got nonce:', payload.nonce);
 *   }
 * });
 * @example <caption>Tokenize a card with non-Hosted Fields cardholder name</caption>
 * hostedFieldsInstance.tokenize({
 *   cardholderName: 'First Last'
 * }, function (tokenizeErr, payload) {
 *   if (tokenizeErr) {
 *     console.error(tokenizeErr);
 *   } else {
 *     console.log('Got nonce:', payload.nonce);
 *   }
 * });
 * @example <caption>Tokenize a card with non-Hosted Fields postal code option</caption>
 * hostedFieldsInstance.tokenize({
 *   billingAddress: {
 *     postalCode: '11111'
 *   }
 * }, function (tokenizeErr, payload) {
 *   if (tokenizeErr) {
 *     console.error(tokenizeErr);
 *   } else {
 *     console.log('Got nonce:', payload.nonce);
 *   }
 * });
 * @example <caption>Tokenize a card with additional billing address options</caption>
 * hostedFieldsInstance.tokenize({
 *   billingAddress: {
 *     firstName: 'First',
 *     lastName: 'Last',
 *     company: 'Company',
 *     streetAddress: '123 Street',
 *     extendedAddress: 'Unit 1',
 *     // passing just one of the country options is sufficient to
 *     // associate the card details with a particular country
 *     // valid country names and codes can be found here:
 *     //
 *     countryName: 'United States',
 *     countryCodeAlpha2: 'US',
 *     countryCodeAlpha3: 'USA',
 *     countryCodeNumeric: '840'
 *   }
 * }, function (tokenizeErr, payload) {
 *   if (tokenizeErr) {
 *     console.error(tokenizeErr);
 *   } else {
 *     console.log('Got nonce:', payload.nonce);
 *   }
 * });
 * @example <caption>Allow tokenization with empty cardholder name field</caption>
 * var state = hostedFieldsInstance.getState();
 * var fields = Object.keys(state.fields);
 * // normally, if you tried to tokenize an empty cardholder name field
 * // you would get an error, to allow making this field optional,
 * // tokenize all the fields except for the cardholder name field
 * // when the cardholder name field is empty. Otherwise, tokenize
 * // all the fields
 * if (state.fields.cardholderName.isEmpty) {
 *  fields = fields.filter(function (field) {
 *    return field !== 'cardholderName';
 *  });
 * }
 * hostedFieldsInstance.tokenize({
 *  fieldsToTokenize: fields
 * }, function (tokenizeErr, payload) {
 *   if (tokenizeErr) {
 *     console.error(tokenizeErr);
 *   } else {
 *     console.log('Got nonce:', payload.nonce);
 *   }
 * });
 * @returns {(Promise|void)} Returns a promise if no callback is provided.
HostedFields.prototype.tokenize = function (options) {
  var self = this;

  if (!options) {
    options = {};

  return new Promise(function (resolve, reject) {
    self._bus.emit(events.TOKENIZATION_REQUEST, options, function (response) {
      var err = response[0];
      var payload = response[1];

      if (err) {
        reject(new BraintreeError(err));
      } else {

 * Add a class to a {@link module:braintree-web/hosted-fields~field field}. Useful for updating field styles when events occur elsewhere in your checkout.
 * @public
 * @param {string} field The field you wish to add a class to. Must be a valid {@link module:braintree-web/hosted-fields~fieldOptions fieldOption}.
 * @param {string} classname The class to be added.
 * @param {callback} [callback] Callback executed on completion, containing an error if one occurred. No data is returned if the class is added successfully.
 * @example
 * hostedFieldsInstance.addClass('number', 'custom-class', function (addClassErr) {
 *   if (addClassErr) {
 *     console.error(addClassErr);
 *   }
 * });
 * @returns {(Promise|void)} Returns a promise if no callback is provided.
HostedFields.prototype.addClass = function (field, classname) {
  var err;

  if (!allowedFields.hasOwnProperty(field)) {
    err = new BraintreeError({
      type: errors.HOSTED_FIELDS_FIELD_INVALID.type,
      code: errors.HOSTED_FIELDS_FIELD_INVALID.code,
      message: '"' + field + '" is not a valid field. You must use a valid field option when adding a class.'
  } else if (!this._fields.hasOwnProperty(field)) {
    err = new BraintreeError({
      type: errors.HOSTED_FIELDS_FIELD_NOT_PRESENT.type,
      code: errors.HOSTED_FIELDS_FIELD_NOT_PRESENT.code,
      message: 'Cannot add class to "' + field + '" field because it is not part of the current Hosted Fields options.'
  } else {
    this._bus.emit(events.ADD_CLASS, {
      field: field,
      classname: classname

  if (err) {
    return Promise.reject(err);

  return Promise.resolve();

 * Removes a class to a {@link module:braintree-web/hosted-fields~field field}. Useful for updating field styles when events occur elsewhere in your checkout.
 * @public
 * @param {string} field The field you wish to remove a class from. Must be a valid {@link module:braintree-web/hosted-fields~fieldOptions fieldOption}.
 * @param {string} classname The class to be removed.
 * @param {callback} [callback] Callback executed on completion, containing an error if one occurred. No data is returned if the class is removed successfully.
 * @example
 * hostedFieldsInstance.addClass('number', 'custom-class', function (addClassErr) {
 *   if (addClassErr) {
 *     console.error(addClassErr);
 *     return;
 *   }
 *   // some time later...
 *   hostedFieldsInstance.removeClass('number', 'custom-class');
 * });
 * @returns {(Promise|void)} Returns a promise if no callback is provided.
HostedFields.prototype.removeClass = function (field, classname) {
  var err;

  if (!allowedFields.hasOwnProperty(field)) {
    err = new BraintreeError({
      type: errors.HOSTED_FIELDS_FIELD_INVALID.type,
      code: errors.HOSTED_FIELDS_FIELD_INVALID.code,
      message: '"' + field + '" is not a valid field. You must use a valid field option when removing a class.'
  } else if (!this._fields.hasOwnProperty(field)) {
    err = new BraintreeError({
      type: errors.HOSTED_FIELDS_FIELD_NOT_PRESENT.type,
      code: errors.HOSTED_FIELDS_FIELD_NOT_PRESENT.code,
      message: 'Cannot remove class from "' + field + '" field because it is not part of the current Hosted Fields options.'
  } else {
    this._bus.emit(events.REMOVE_CLASS, {
      field: field,
      classname: classname

  if (err) {
    return Promise.reject(err);

  return Promise.resolve();

 * Sets an attribute of a {@link module:braintree-web/hosted-fields~field field}.
 * Supported attributes are `aria-invalid`, `aria-required`, `disabled`, and `placeholder`.
 * @public
 * @param {object} options The options for the attribute you wish to set.
 * @param {string} options.field The field to which you wish to add an attribute. Must be a valid {@link module:braintree-web/hosted-fields~fieldOptions fieldOption}.
 * @param {string} options.attribute The name of the attribute you wish to add to the field.
 * @param {string} options.value The value for the attribute.
 * @param {callback} [callback] Callback executed on completion, containing an error if one occurred. No data is returned if the attribute is set successfully.
 * @example <caption>Set the placeholder attribute of a field</caption>
 * hostedFieldsInstance.setAttribute({
 *   field: 'number',
 *   attribute: 'placeholder',
 *   value: '1111 1111 1111 1111'
 * }, function (attributeErr) {
 *   if (attributeErr) {
 *     console.error(attributeErr);
 *   }
 * });
 * @example <caption>Set the aria-required attribute of a field</caption>
 * hostedFieldsInstance.setAttribute({
 *   field: 'number',
 *   attribute: 'aria-required',
 *   value: true
 * }, function (attributeErr) {
 *   if (attributeErr) {
 *     console.error(attributeErr);
 *   }
 * });
 * @returns {(Promise|void)} Returns a promise if no callback is provided.
HostedFields.prototype.setAttribute = function (options) {
  var attributeErr, err;

  if (!allowedFields.hasOwnProperty(options.field)) {
    err = new BraintreeError({
      type: errors.HOSTED_FIELDS_FIELD_INVALID.type,
      code: errors.HOSTED_FIELDS_FIELD_INVALID.code,
      message: '"' + options.field + '" is not a valid field. You must use a valid field option when setting an attribute.'
  } else if (!this._fields.hasOwnProperty(options.field)) {
    err = new BraintreeError({
      type: errors.HOSTED_FIELDS_FIELD_NOT_PRESENT.type,
      code: errors.HOSTED_FIELDS_FIELD_NOT_PRESENT.code,
      message: 'Cannot set attribute for "' + options.field + '" field because it is not part of the current Hosted Fields options.'
  } else {
    attributeErr = attributeValidationError(options.attribute, options.value);

    if (attributeErr) {
      err = attributeErr;
    } else {
      this._bus.emit(events.SET_ATTRIBUTE, {
        field: options.field,
        attribute: options.attribute,
        value: options.value

  if (err) {
    return Promise.reject(err);

  return Promise.resolve();

 * Sets the month options for the expiration month field when presented as a select element.
 * @public
 * @param {array} options An array of 12 entries corresponding to the 12 months.
 * @param {callback} [callback] Callback executed on completion, containing an error if one occurred. No data is returned if the options are updated successfully. Errors if expirationMonth is not configured on the Hosted Fields instance or if the expirationMonth field is not configured to be a select input.
 * @example <caption>Update the month options to spanish</caption>
 * hostedFieldsInstance.setMonthOptions([
 *   '01 - enero',
 *   '02 - febrero',
 *   '03 - marzo',
 *   '04 - abril',
 *   '05 - mayo',
 *   '06 - junio',
 *   '07 - julio',
 *   '08 - agosto',
 *   '09 - septiembre',
 *   '10 - octubre',
 *   '11 - noviembre',
 *   '12 - diciembre'
 * ]);
 * @returns {(Promise|void)} Returns a promise if no callback is provided.
HostedFields.prototype.setMonthOptions = function (options) {
  var self = this;
  var merchantOptions = this._merchantConfigurationOptions.fields;
  var errorMessage;

  if (!merchantOptions.expirationMonth) {
    errorMessage = 'Expiration month field must exist to use setMonthOptions.';
  } else if (! {
    errorMessage = 'Expiration month field must be a select element.';

  if (errorMessage) {
    return Promise.reject(new BraintreeError({
      message: errorMessage

  return new Promise(function (resolve) {
    self._bus.emit(events.SET_MONTH_OPTIONS, options, resolve);

 * Sets a visually hidden message (for screen readers) on a {@link module:braintree-web/hosted-fields~field field}.
 * @public
 * @param {object} options The options for the attribute you wish to set.
 * @param {string} options.field The field to which you wish to add an attribute. Must be a valid {@link module:braintree-web/hosted-fields~field field}.
 * @param {string} options.message The message to set.
 * @example <caption>Set an error message on a field</caption>
 * hostedFieldsInstance.setMessage({
 *   field: 'number',
 *   message: 'Invalid card number'
 * });
 * @example <caption>Remove the message on a field</caption>
 * hostedFieldsInstance.setMessage({
 *   field: 'number',
 *   message: ''
 * });
 * @returns {void}
HostedFields.prototype.setMessage = function (options) {
  this._bus.emit(events.SET_MESSAGE, {
    field: options.field,
    message: options.message

 * Removes a supported attribute from a {@link module:braintree-web/hosted-fields~field field}.
 * @public
 * @param {object} options The options for the attribute you wish to remove.
 * @param {string} options.field The field from which you wish to remove an attribute. Must be a valid {@link module:braintree-web/hosted-fields~fieldOptions fieldOption}.
 * @param {string} options.attribute The name of the attribute you wish to remove from the field.
 * @param {callback} [callback] Callback executed on completion, containing an error if one occurred. No data is returned if the attribute is removed successfully.
 * @example <caption>Remove the placeholder attribute of a field</caption>
 * hostedFieldsInstance.removeAttribute({
 *   field: 'number',
 *   attribute: 'placeholder'
 * }, function (attributeErr) {
 *   if (attributeErr) {
 *     console.error(attributeErr);
 *   }
 * });
 * @returns {(Promise|void)} Returns a promise if no callback is provided.
HostedFields.prototype.removeAttribute = function (options) {
  var attributeErr, err;

  if (!allowedFields.hasOwnProperty(options.field)) {
    err = new BraintreeError({
      type: errors.HOSTED_FIELDS_FIELD_INVALID.type,
      code: errors.HOSTED_FIELDS_FIELD_INVALID.code,
      message: '"' + options.field + '" is not a valid field. You must use a valid field option when removing an attribute.'
  } else if (!this._fields.hasOwnProperty(options.field)) {
    err = new BraintreeError({
      type: errors.HOSTED_FIELDS_FIELD_NOT_PRESENT.type,
      code: errors.HOSTED_FIELDS_FIELD_NOT_PRESENT.code,
      message: 'Cannot remove attribute for "' + options.field + '" field because it is not part of the current Hosted Fields options.'
  } else {
    attributeErr = attributeValidationError(options.attribute);

    if (attributeErr) {
      err = attributeErr;
    } else {
      this._bus.emit(events.REMOVE_ATTRIBUTE, {
        field: options.field,
        attribute: options.attribute

  if (err) {
    return Promise.reject(err);

  return Promise.resolve();

 * @deprecated since version 3.8.0. Use {@link HostedFields#setAttribute|setAttribute} instead.
 * @public
 * @param {string} field The field whose placeholder you wish to change. Must be a valid {@link module:braintree-web/hosted-fields~fieldOptions fieldOption}.
 * @param {string} placeholder Will be used as the `placeholder` attribute of the input.
 * @param {callback} [callback] Callback executed on completion, containing an error if one occurred. No data is returned if the placeholder updated successfully.
 * @returns {(Promise|void)} Returns a promise if no callback is provided.
HostedFields.prototype.setPlaceholder = function (field, placeholder) {
  return this.setAttribute({
    field: field,
    attribute: 'placeholder',
    value: placeholder

 * Clear the value of a {@link module:braintree-web/hosted-fields~field field}.
 * @public
 * @param {string} field The field you wish to clear. Must be a valid {@link module:braintree-web/hosted-fields~fieldOptions fieldOption}.
 * @param {callback} [callback] Callback executed on completion, containing an error if one occurred. No data is returned if the field cleared successfully.
 * @returns {(Promise|void)} Returns a promise if no callback is provided.
 * @example
 * hostedFieldsInstance.clear('number', function (clearErr) {
 *   if (clearErr) {
 *     console.error(clearErr);
 *   }
 * });
 * @example <caption>Clear several fields</caption>
 * hostedFieldsInstance.clear('number');
 * hostedFieldsInstance.clear('cvv');
 * hostedFieldsInstance.clear('expirationDate');
HostedFields.prototype.clear = function (field) {
  var err;

  if (!allowedFields.hasOwnProperty(field)) {
    err = new BraintreeError({
      type: errors.HOSTED_FIELDS_FIELD_INVALID.type,
      code: errors.HOSTED_FIELDS_FIELD_INVALID.code,
      message: '"' + field + '" is not a valid field. You must use a valid field option when clearing a field.'
  } else if (!this._fields.hasOwnProperty(field)) {
    err = new BraintreeError({
      type: errors.HOSTED_FIELDS_FIELD_NOT_PRESENT.type,
      code: errors.HOSTED_FIELDS_FIELD_NOT_PRESENT.code,
      message: 'Cannot clear "' + field + '" field because it is not part of the current Hosted Fields options.'
  } else {
    this._bus.emit(events.CLEAR_FIELD, {
      field: field

  if (err) {
    return Promise.reject(err);

  return Promise.resolve();

 * Programmatically focus a {@link module:braintree-web/hosted-fields~field field}.
 * @public
 * @param {string} field The field you want to focus. Must be a valid {@link module:braintree-web/hosted-fields~fieldOptions fieldOption}.
 * @param {callback} [callback] Callback executed on completion, containing an error if one occurred. No data is returned if the field focused successfully.
 * @returns {void}
 * @example
 * hostedFieldsInstance.focus('number', function (focusErr) {
 *   if (focusErr) {
 *     console.error(focusErr);
 *   }
 * });
 * @example <caption>Using an event listener</caption>
 * myElement.addEventListener('click', function (e) {
 *   // In Firefox, the focus method can be suppressed
 *   //   if the element has a tabindex property or the element
 *   //   is an anchor link with an href property.
 *   e.preventDefault();
 *   hostedFieldsInstance.focus('number');
 * });
HostedFields.prototype.focus = function (field) {
  var err;
  var fieldConfig = this._fields[field];

  if (!allowedFields.hasOwnProperty(field)) {
    err = new BraintreeError({
      type: errors.HOSTED_FIELDS_FIELD_INVALID.type,
      code: errors.HOSTED_FIELDS_FIELD_INVALID.code,
      message: '"' + field + '" is not a valid field. You must use a valid field option when focusing a field.'
  } else if (!this._fields.hasOwnProperty(field)) {
    err = new BraintreeError({
      type: errors.HOSTED_FIELDS_FIELD_NOT_PRESENT.type,
      code: errors.HOSTED_FIELDS_FIELD_NOT_PRESENT.code,
      message: 'Cannot focus "' + field + '" field because it is not part of the current Hosted Fields options.'
  } else {

    this._bus.emit(events.TRIGGER_INPUT_FOCUS, {
      field: field

    if (browserDetection.isIos()) {
      // Inputs outside of the viewport don't always scroll into view on
      // focus in iOS Safari. 5ms timeout gives the browser a chance to
      // do the right thing and prevents stuttering.
      setTimeout(function () {
        if (!isVisibleEnough(fieldConfig.containerElement)) {

  if (err) {
    return Promise.reject(err);

  return Promise.resolve();

 * Returns an {@link HostedFields~stateObject|object} that includes the state of all fields and possible card types.
 * @public
 * @returns {object} {@link HostedFields~stateObject|stateObject}
 * @example <caption>Check if all fields are valid</caption>
 * var state = hostedFieldsInstance.getState();
 * var formValid = Object.keys(state.fields).every(function (key) {
 *   return state.fields[key].isValid;
 * });
HostedFields.prototype.getState = function () {
  return this._state;

// React adds decorations to DOM nodes that cause
// circular dependencies, so we remove them from the
// config before sending it to the iframes. However,
// we don't want to mutate the original object that
// was passed in, so we create fresh objects via assign
function formatMerchantConfigurationForIframes(config) {
  var formattedConfig = assign({}, config);

  formattedConfig.fields = assign({}, formattedConfig.fields);
  Object.keys(formattedConfig.fields).forEach(function (field) {
    formattedConfig.fields[field] = assign({}, formattedConfig.fields[field]);
    delete formattedConfig.fields[field].container;

  return formattedConfig;

module.exports = wrapPromise.wrapPrototype(HostedFields);