'use strict';
var analytics = require('../lib/analytics');
var Promise = require('../lib/promise');
var wrapPromise = require('../lib/wrap-promise');
var BraintreeError = require('../lib/braintree-error');
var errors = require('./errors');
var constants = require('../paypal/shared/constants');
* PayPal Checkout tokenized payload. Returned in {@link PayPalCheckout#tokenizePayment}'s callback as the second argument, `data`.
* @typedef {object} PayPalCheckout~tokenizePayload
* @property {string} nonce The payment method nonce.
* @property {string} type The payment method type, always `PayPalAccount`.
* @property {object} details Additional PayPal account details.
* @property {string} details.email User's email address.
* @property {string} details.payerId User's payer ID, the unique identifier for each PayPal account.
* @property {string} details.firstName User's given name.
* @property {string} details.lastName User's surname.
* @property {?string} details.countryCode User's 2 character country code.
* @property {?string} details.phone User's phone number (e.g. 555-867-5309).
* @property {?object} details.shippingAddress User's shipping address details, only available if shipping address is enabled.
* @property {string} details.shippingAddress.recipientName Recipient of postage.
* @property {string} details.shippingAddress.line1 Street number and name.
* @property {string} details.shippingAddress.line2 Extended address.
* @property {string} details.shippingAddress.city City or locality.
* @property {string} details.shippingAddress.state State or region.
* @property {string} details.shippingAddress.postalCode Postal code.
* @property {string} details.shippingAddress.countryCode 2 character country code (e.g. US).
* @property {?object} details.billingAddress User's billing address details.
* Not available to all merchants; [contact PayPal](https://developers.braintreepayments.com/support/guides/paypal/setup-guide#contacting-paypal-support) for details on eligibility and enabling this feature.
* Alternatively, see `shippingAddress` above as an available client option.
* @property {string} details.billingAddress.line1 Street number and name.
* @property {string} details.billingAddress.line2 Extended address.
* @property {string} details.billingAddress.city City or locality.
* @property {string} details.billingAddress.state State or region.
* @property {string} details.billingAddress.postalCode Postal code.
* @property {string} details.billingAddress.countryCode 2 character country code (e.g. US).
* @property {?object} creditFinancingOffered This property will only be present when the customer pays with PayPal Credit.
* @property {object} creditFinancingOffered.totalCost This is the estimated total payment amount including interest and fees the user will pay during the lifetime of the loan.
* @property {string} creditFinancingOffered.totalCost.value An amount defined by [ISO 4217](http://www.iso.org/iso/home/standards/currency_codes.htm) for the given currency.
* @property {string} creditFinancingOffered.totalCost.currency 3 letter currency code as defined by [ISO 4217](http://www.iso.org/iso/home/standards/currency_codes.htm).
* @property {number} creditFinancingOffered.term Length of financing terms in months.
* @property {object} creditFinancingOffered.monthlyPayment This is the estimated amount per month that the customer will need to pay including fees and interest.
* @property {string} creditFinancingOffered.monthlyPayment.value An amount defined by [ISO 4217](http://www.iso.org/iso/home/standards/currency_codes.htm) for the given currency.
* @property {string} creditFinancingOffered.monthlyPayment.currency 3 letter currency code as defined by [ISO 4217](http://www.iso.org/iso/home/standards/currency_codes.htm).
* @property {object} creditFinancingOffered.totalInterest Estimated interest or fees amount the payer will have to pay during the lifetime of the loan.
* @property {string} creditFinancingOffered.totalInterest.value An amount defined by [ISO 4217](http://www.iso.org/iso/home/standards/currency_codes.htm) for the given currency.
* @property {string} creditFinancingOffered.totalInterest.currency 3 letter currency code as defined by [ISO 4217](http://www.iso.org/iso/home/standards/currency_codes.htm).
* @property {boolean} creditFinancingOffered.payerAcceptance Status of whether the customer ultimately was approved for and chose to make the payment using the approved installment credit.
* @property {boolean} creditFinancingOffered.cartAmountImmutable Indicates whether the cart amount is editable after payer's acceptance on PayPal side.
* @class
* @param {object} options see {@link module:braintree-web/paypal-checkout.create|paypal-checkout.create}
* @classdesc This class represents a PayPal Checkout component that coordinates with the {@link https://developer.paypal.com/docs/integration/direct/express-checkout/integration-jsv4|PayPal checkout.js} library. Instances of this class can generate payment data and tokenize authorized payments.
* @description <strong>Do not use this constructor directly. Use {@link module:braintree-web/paypal-checkout.create|braintree-web.paypal-checkout.create} instead.</strong>
function PayPalCheckout(options) {
this._client = options.client;
* Creates a PayPal payment ID or billing token using the given options. This is meant to be passed to PayPal's checkout.js library.
* When a {@link callback} is defined, the function returns undefined and invokes the callback with the id to be used with the checkout.js library. Otherwise, it returns a Promise that resolves with the id.
* @public
* @function
* @param {object} options All options for the PayPalCheckout component.
* @param {string} options.flow Set to 'checkout' for one-time payment flow, or 'vault' for Vault flow. If 'vault' is used with a client token generated with a customer ID, the PayPal account will be added to that customer as a saved payment method.
* @param {string} [options.intent=authorize]
* Checkout flows only.
* * `authorize` - Submits the transaction for authorization but not settlement.
* * `sale` - Payment will be immediately submitted for settlement upon creating a transaction.
* @param {boolean} [options.offerCredit=false] Offers the customer PayPal Credit if they qualify. Checkout flows only.
* @param {string} [options.useraction]
* Changes the call-to-action in the PayPal flow. By default the final button will show the localized
* word for "Continue" and implies that the final amount billed is not yet known.
* Setting this option to `commit` changes the button text to "Pay Now" and page text will convey to
* the user that billing will take place immediately.
* @param {string|number} [options.amount] The amount of the transaction. Required when using the Checkout flow.
* @param {string} [options.currency] The currency code of the amount, such as 'USD'. Required when using the Checkout flow.
* @param {string} [options.displayName] The merchant name displayed inside of the PayPal lightbox; defaults to the company name on your Braintree account
* @param {string} [options.locale=en_US] Use this option to change the language, links, and terminology used in the PayPal flow. This locale will be used unless the buyer has set a preferred locale for their account. If an unsupported locale is supplied, a fallback locale (determined by buyer preference or browser data) will be used and no error will be thrown.
* Supported locales are:
* `da_DK`,
* `de_DE`,
* `en_AU`,
* `en_GB`,
* `en_US`,
* `es_ES`,
* `fr_CA`,
* `fr_FR`,
* `id_ID`,
* `it_IT`,
* `ja_JP`,
* `ko_KR`,
* `nl_NL`,
* `no_NO`,
* `pl_PL`,
* `pt_BR`,
* `pt_PT`,
* `ru_RU`,
* `sv_SE`,
* `th_TH`,
* `zh_CN`,
* `zh_HK`,
* and `zh_TW`.
* @param {boolean} [options.enableShippingAddress=false] Returns a shipping address object in {@link PayPal#tokenize}.
* @param {object} [options.shippingAddressOverride] Allows you to pass a shipping address you have already collected into the PayPal payment flow.
* @param {string} options.shippingAddressOverride.line1 Street address.
* @param {string} [options.shippingAddressOverride.line2] Street address (extended).
* @param {string} options.shippingAddressOverride.city City.
* @param {string} options.shippingAddressOverride.state State.
* @param {string} options.shippingAddressOverride.postalCode Postal code.
* @param {string} options.shippingAddressOverride.countryCode Country.
* @param {string} [options.shippingAddressOverride.phone] Phone number.
* @param {string} [options.shippingAddressOverride.recipientName] Recipient's name.
* @param {boolean} [options.shippingAddressEditable=true] Set to false to disable user editing of the shipping address.
* @param {string} [options.billingAgreementDescription] Use this option to set the description of the preapproved payment agreement visible to customers in their PayPal profile during Vault flows. Max 255 characters.
* @param {callback} [callback] The second argument is a PayPal `paymentId` or `billingToken` string, depending on whether `options.flow` is `checkout` or `vault`. This is also what is resolved by the promise if no callback is provided.
* @example
* // this paypal object is created by checkout.js
* // see https://github.com/paypal/paypal-checkout
* paypal.Button.render({
* // when createPayment resolves, it is automatically passed to checkout.js
* payment: function () {
* return paypalCheckoutInstance.createPayment({
* flow: 'checkout',
* amount: '10.00',
* currency: 'USD',
* intent: 'sale'
* });
* },
* // Add other options, e.g. onAuthorize, env, locale
* }, '#paypal-button');
* @returns {Promise|void}
PayPalCheckout.prototype.createPayment = wrapPromise(function (options) {
var self = this; // eslint-disable-line no-invalid-this
return new Promise(function (resolve, reject) {
var endpoint;
var client = self._client;
if (!options || !constants.FLOW_ENDPOINTS.hasOwnProperty(options.flow)) {
reject(new BraintreeError(errors.PAYPAL_FLOW_OPTION_REQUIRED));
endpoint = 'paypal_hermes/' + constants.FLOW_ENDPOINTS[options.flow];
analytics.sendEvent(client, 'paypal-checkout.createPayment');
if (options.offerCredit === true && options.flow === 'checkout') {
analytics.sendEvent(client, 'paypal-checkout.credit.offered');
endpoint: endpoint,
method: 'post',
data: self._formatPaymentResourceData(options)
}, function (err, response, status) {
var flowToken;
if (err) {
if (status === 422) {
reject(new BraintreeError({
message: errors.PAYPAL_INVALID_PAYMENT_OPTION.message,
details: {
originalError: err
} else {
reject(err instanceof BraintreeError ? err : new BraintreeError({
type: errors.PAYPAL_FLOW_FAILED.type,
code: errors.PAYPAL_FLOW_FAILED.code,
message: errors.PAYPAL_FLOW_FAILED.message,
details: {
originalError: err
} else {
if (options.flow === 'checkout') {
flowToken = response.paymentResource.paymentToken;
} else {
flowToken = response.agreementSetup.tokenId;
* Tokenizes the authorize data from PayPal's checkout.js library when completing a buyer approval flow.
* When a {@link callback} is defined, invokes the callback with {@link PayPalCheckout~tokenizePayload|tokenizePayload} and returns undefined. Otherwise, returns a Promise that resolves with a {@link PayPalCheckout~tokenizePayload|tokenizePayload}.
* @public
* @function
* @param {object} tokenizeOptions Tokens and IDs required to tokenize the payment.
* @param {string} tokenizeOptions.payerId Payer ID returned by PayPal `onAuthorize` callback.
* @param {string} [tokenizeOptions.paymentId] Payment ID returned by PayPal `onAuthorize` callback.
* @param {string} [tokenizeOptions.billingToken] Billing Token returned by PayPal `onAuthorize` callback.
* @param {callback} [callback] The second argument, <code>payload</code>, is a {@link PayPalCheckout~tokenizePayload|tokenizePayload}. If no callback is provided, the promise resolves with a {@link PayPalCheckout~tokenizePayload|tokenizePayload}.
* @example
* // this paypal object is created by checkout.js
* // see https://github.com/paypal/paypal-checkout
* paypal.Button.render({
* onAuthorize: function (data, actions) {
* return paypalCheckoutInstance.tokenizePayment(data).then(function (payload) {
* // Submit payload.nonce to your server
* }).catch(function (err) {
* // handle error
* });
* },
* // Add other options, e.g. payment, env, locale
* }, '#paypal-button');
* @returns {Promise|void}
PayPalCheckout.prototype.tokenizePayment = wrapPromise(function (tokenizeOptions) {
var self = this; // eslint-disable-line no-invalid-this
return new Promise(function (resolve, reject) {
var payload;
var client = self._client;
var options = {
flow: tokenizeOptions.billingToken ? 'vault' : 'checkout'
var params = {
billingToken: tokenizeOptions.billingToken,
payerId: tokenizeOptions.payerID,
paymentId: tokenizeOptions.paymentID
analytics.sendEvent(client, 'paypal-checkout.tokenization.started');
endpoint: 'payment_methods/paypal_accounts',
method: 'post',
data: self._formatTokenizeData(options, params)
}, function (err, response) {
if (err) {
analytics.sendEvent(client, 'paypal-checkout.tokenization.failed');
reject(err instanceof BraintreeError ? err : new BraintreeError({
details: {
originalError: err
} else {
payload = self._formatTokenizePayload(response);
analytics.sendEvent(client, 'paypal-checkout.tokenization.success');
if (payload.creditFinancingOffered) {
analytics.sendEvent(client, 'paypal-checkout.credit.accepted');
PayPalCheckout.prototype._formatPaymentResourceData = function (options) {
var key;
var gatewayConfiguration = this._client.getConfiguration().gatewayConfiguration;
var paymentResource = {
// returnUrl and cancelUrl are required in hermes create_payment_resource route
// but are not validated and are not actually used with checkout.js
returnUrl: 'x',
cancelUrl: 'x',
experienceProfile: {
brandName: options.displayName || gatewayConfiguration.paypal.displayName,
localeCode: options.locale,
noShipping: (!options.enableShippingAddress).toString(),
addressOverride: options.shippingAddressEditable === false
if (options.flow === 'checkout') {
paymentResource.amount = options.amount;
paymentResource.currencyIsoCode = options.currency;
paymentResource.offerPaypalCredit = options.offerCredit === true;
if (options.hasOwnProperty('intent')) {
paymentResource.intent = options.intent;
for (key in options.shippingAddressOverride) {
if (options.shippingAddressOverride.hasOwnProperty(key)) {
paymentResource[key] = options.shippingAddressOverride[key];
} else {
paymentResource.shippingAddress = options.shippingAddressOverride;
if (options.billingAgreementDescription) {
paymentResource.description = options.billingAgreementDescription;
return paymentResource;
PayPalCheckout.prototype._formatTokenizeData = function (options, params) {
var clientConfiguration = this._client.getConfiguration();
var gatewayConfiguration = clientConfiguration.gatewayConfiguration;
var isTokenizationKey = clientConfiguration.authorizationType === 'TOKENIZATION_KEY';
var data = {
paypalAccount: {
options: {
validate: options.flow === 'vault'
if (isTokenizationKey && data.paypalAccount.options.validate) {
throw new BraintreeError(errors.PAYPAL_VAULTING_WITH_TOKENIZATION_KEY);
if (params.billingToken) {
data.paypalAccount.billingAgreementToken = params.billingToken;
} else {
data.paypalAccount.paymentToken = params.paymentId;
data.paypalAccount.payerId = params.payerId;
data.paypalAccount.unilateral = gatewayConfiguration.paypal.unvettedMerchant;
return data;
PayPalCheckout.prototype._formatTokenizePayload = function (response) {
var payload;
var account = {};
if (response.paypalAccounts) {
account = response.paypalAccounts[0];
payload = {
nonce: account.nonce,
details: {},
type: account.type
if (account.details && account.details.payerInfo) {
payload.details = account.details.payerInfo;
if (account.details && account.details.creditFinancingOffered) {
payload.creditFinancingOffered = account.details.creditFinancingOffered;
return payload;
module.exports = PayPalCheckout;