
'use strict';

var analytics = require('../lib/analytics');
var BraintreeError = require('../lib/braintree-error');
var errors = require('./errors');
var convertMethodsToError = require('../lib/convert-methods-to-error');
var methods = require('../lib/methods');
var Promise = require('../lib/promise');
var wrapPromise = require('@braintree/wrap-promise');

var DELETE_PAYMENT_METHOD_MUTATION = 'mutation DeletePaymentMethodFromSingleUseToken($input: DeletePaymentMethodFromSingleUseTokenInput!) {' +
'  deletePaymentMethodFromSingleUseToken(input: $input) {' +
'    clientMutationId' +
'  }' +

 * @typedef {array} VaultManager~fetchPaymentMethodsPayload The customer's payment methods.
 * @property {object} paymentMethod The payment method object.
 * @property {string} paymentMethod.nonce A nonce that can be sent to your server to transact on the payment method.
 * @property {boolean} paymentMethod.default Whether or not this is the default payment method for the customer.
 * @property {object} paymentMethod.details Any additional details about the payment method. Varies depending on the type of payment method.
 * @property {string} paymentMethod.type A constant indicating the type of payment method.
 * @property {?string} paymentMethod.description Additional description about the payment method.
 * @property {?object} paymentMethod.binData Bin data about the payment method.

 * @class
 * @param {object} options Options
 * @description <strong>You cannot use this constructor directly. Use {@link module:braintree-web/vault-manager.create|braintree.vault-manager.create} instead.</strong>
 * @classdesc This class allows you to manage a customer's payment methods on the client.
function VaultManager(options) {
  this._client = options.client;

 * Fetches payment methods owned by the customer whose id was used to generate the client token used to create the {@link module:braintree-web/client|client}.
 * @public
 * @param {object} [options] Options for fetching payment methods.
 * @param {boolean} [options.defaultFirst = false] If `true`, the payment methods will be returned with the default payment method for the customer first. Otherwise, the payment methods will be returned with the most recently used payment method first.
 * @param {callback} [callback] The second argument is a {@link VaultManager~fetchPaymentMethodsPayload|fetchPaymentMehodsPayload}. This is also what is resolved by the promise if no callback is provided.
 * @returns {Promise|void} Returns a promise if no callback is provided.
 * @example
 * vaultManagerInstance.fetchPaymentMethods(function (err, paymentMethods) {
 *   paymentMethods.forEach(function (paymentMethod) {
 *     // add payment method to UI
 *     // paymentMethod.nonce <- transactable nonce associated with payment method
 *     // paymentMethod.details <- object with additional information about payment method
 *     // paymentMethod.type <- a constant signifying the type
 *   });
 * });
VaultManager.prototype.fetchPaymentMethods = function (options) {
  var defaultFirst;

  options = options || {};

  defaultFirst = options.defaultFirst === true ? 1 : 0;

  return this._client.request({
    endpoint: 'payment_methods',
    method: 'get',
    data: {
      defaultFirst: defaultFirst
  }).then(function (paymentMethodsPayload) {
    analytics.sendEvent(this._client, 'vault-manager.fetch-payment-methods.succeeded');


 * Deletes a payment method owned by the customer whose id was used to generate the client token used to create the {@link module:braintree-web/client|client}.
 * @public
 * @ignore TODO hide from jsdoc for now until the GraphQL API is on for all merchants by default
 * @param {string} paymentMethodNonce The payment method nonce that references a vaulted payment method.
 * @param {callback} [callback] No data is returned if the operation is successful.
 * @returns {Promise|void} Returns a promise if no callback is provided.
 * @example
 * vaultManagerInstance.deletePaymentMethod('nonce-to-delete', function (err) {
 *   // handle err if it exists
 * });
VaultManager.prototype.deletePaymentMethod = function (paymentMethodNonce) {
  var client = this._client;
  var usesClientToken = this._client.getConfiguration().authorizationType === 'CLIENT_TOKEN';

  if (!usesClientToken) {
    return Promise.reject(new BraintreeError(errors.VAULT_MANAGER_DELETE_PAYMENT_METHOD_NONCE_REQUIRES_CLIENT_TOKEN));

  return this._client.request({
    api: 'graphQLApi',
    data: {
      variables: {
        input: {
          singleUseTokenId: paymentMethodNonce
      operationName: 'DeletePaymentMethodFromSingleUseToken'
  }).then(function () {
    analytics.sendEvent(client, 'vault-manager.delete-payment-method.succeeded');

    // noop to prevent sending back the raw graphql data
  }).catch(function (error) {
    var originalError = error.details.originalError;
    var formattedError;

    analytics.sendEvent(client, 'vault-manager.delete-payment-method.failed');

    if (originalError[0] && originalError[0].extensions.errorClass === 'NOT_FOUND') {
      formattedError = new BraintreeError({
        message: 'A payment method for payment method nonce `' + paymentMethodNonce + '` could not be found.',
        details: {
          originalError: originalError

    if (!formattedError) {
      formattedError = new BraintreeError({
        message: 'An unknown error occured when attempting to delete the payment method assocaited with the payment method nonce `' + paymentMethodNonce + '`.',
        details: {
          originalError: originalError

    return Promise.reject(formattedError);

function formatPaymentMethodPayload(paymentMethod) {
  var formattedPaymentMethod = {
    nonce: paymentMethod.nonce,
    'default': paymentMethod.default,
    details: paymentMethod.details,
    hasSubscription: paymentMethod.hasSubscription,
    type: paymentMethod.type

  if (paymentMethod.description) {
    formattedPaymentMethod.description = paymentMethod.description;

  if (paymentMethod.binData) {
    formattedPaymentMethod.binData = paymentMethod.binData;

  return formattedPaymentMethod;

 * Cleanly tear down anything set up by {@link module:braintree-web/vault-manager.create|create}.
 * @public
 * @param {callback} [callback] Called once teardown is complete. No data is returned if teardown completes successfully.
 * @example
 * vaultManagerInstance.teardown();
 * @example <caption>With callback</caption>
 * vaultManagerInstance.teardown(function () {
 *   // teardown is complete
 * });
 * @returns {Promise|void} Returns a promise if no callback is provided.
VaultManager.prototype.teardown = function () {
  convertMethodsToError(this, methods(VaultManager.prototype));

  return Promise.resolve();

module.exports = wrapPromise.wrapPrototype(VaultManager);