
'use strict';

var BraintreeError = require('../../lib/braintree-error');
var analytics = require('../../lib/analytics');
var assign = require('../../lib/assign').assign;
var methods = require('../../lib/methods');
var convertMethodsToError = require('../../lib/convert-methods-to-error');
var constants = require('../shared/constants');
var useMin = require('../../lib/use-min');
var Bus = require('../../lib/bus');
var uuid = require('../../lib/vendor/uuid');
var deferred = require('../../lib/deferred');
var errors = require('../shared/errors');
var events = require('../shared/events');
var VERSION = process.env.npm_package_version;
var iFramer = require('@braintree/iframer');
var Promise = require('../../lib/promise');
var wrapPromise = require('@braintree/wrap-promise');

var IFRAME_HEIGHT = 400;
var IFRAME_WIDTH = 400;

 * @typedef {object} ThreeDSecure~verifyPayload
 * @property {string} nonce The new payment method nonce produced by the 3D Secure lookup. The original nonce passed into {@link ThreeDSecure#verifyCard|verifyCard} was consumed. This new nonce should be used to transact on your server.
 * @property {object} details Additional account details.
 * @property {string} details.cardType Type of card, ex: Visa, MasterCard.
 * @property {string} details.lastFour Last four digits of card number.
 * @property {string} details.lastTwo Last two digits of card number.
 * @property {string} description A human-readable description.
 * @property {boolean} liabilityShiftPossible Indicates whether the card was eligible for 3D Secure.
 * @property {boolean} liabilityShifted Indicates whether the liability for fraud has been shifted away from the merchant.

 * @class
 * @param {object} options 3D Secure {@link module:braintree-web/three-d-secure.create create} options
 * @description <strong>Do not use this constructor directly. Use {@link module:braintree-web/three-d-secure.create|braintree.threeDSecure.create} instead.</strong>
 * @classdesc This class represents a ThreeDSecure component produced by {@link module:braintree-web/three-d-secure.create|braintree.threeDSecure.create}. Instances of this class have a method for launching a 3D Secure authentication flow.
function ThreeDSecure(options) {
  this._options = options;
  this._assetsUrl = options.client.getConfiguration().gatewayConfiguration.assetsUrl;
  this._isDebug = options.client.getConfiguration().isDebug;
  this._client = options.client;

 * @callback ThreeDSecure~addFrameCallback
 * @param {?BraintreeError} [err] `null` or `undefined` if there was no error.
 * @param {HTMLIFrameElement} iframe An iframe element containing the bank's authentication page that you must put on your page.
 * @description The callback used for options.addFrame in {@link ThreeDSecure#verifyCard|verifyCard}.
 * @returns {void}

 * @callback ThreeDSecure~removeFrameCallback
 * @description The callback used for options.removeFrame in {@link ThreeDSecure#verifyCard|verifyCard}.
 * @returns {void}

 * Launch the 3D Secure login flow, returning a nonce payload.
 * @public
 * @param {object} options Options for card verification.
 * @param {string} options.nonce A nonce referencing the card to be verified. For example, this can be a nonce that was returned by Hosted Fields.
 * @param {number} options.amount The amount of the transaction in the current merchant account's currency. For example, if you are running a transaction of $123.45 US dollars, `amount` would be 123.45.
 * @param {callback} options.addFrame This {@link ThreeDSecure~addFrameCallback|addFrameCallback} will be called when the bank frame needs to be added to your page.
 * @param {callback} options.removeFrame This {@link ThreeDSecure~removeFrameCallback|removeFrameCallback} will be called when the bank frame needs to be removed from your page.
 * @param {string} [options.customer.mobilePhoneNumber] The mobile phone number used for verification. Only numbers; remove dashes, paranthesis and other characters.
 * @param {string} [] The email used for verification.
 * @param {string} [options.customer.shippingMethod] The 2-digit string indicating the shipping method chosen for the transaction.
 * @param {string} [options.customer.billingAddress.firstName] The first name associated with the address.
 * @param {string} [options.customer.billingAddress.lastName] The last name associated with the address.
 * @param {string} [options.customer.billingAddress.streetAddress] Line 1 of the Address (eg. number, street, etc).
 * @param {string} [options.customer.billingAddress.extendedAddress] Line 2 of the Address (eg. suite, apt #, etc.).
 * @param {string} [options.customer.billingAddress.locality] The locality (city) name associated with the address.
 * @param {string} [options.customer.billingAddress.region] The 2 letter code for US states, and the equivalent for other countries.
 * @param {string} [options.customer.billingAddress.postalCode] The zip code or equivalent for countries that have them.
 * @param {string} [options.customer.billingAddress.countryCodeAlpha2] The 2 character country code.
 * @param {string} [options.customer.billingAddress.phoneNumber] The phone number associated with the address. Only numbers; remove dashes, paranthesis and other characters.
 * @param {boolean} [options.showLoader=true] Whether to show the loader icon while the bank frame is loading.
 * @param {callback} [callback] The second argument, <code>data</code>, is a {@link ThreeDSecure~verifyPayload|verifyPayload}. If no callback is provided, it will return a promise that resolves {@link ThreeDSecure~verifyPayload|verifyPayload}.

 * @returns {Promise|void} Returns a promise if no callback is provided.
 * @example
 * <caption>Verifying an existing nonce with 3DS</caption>
 * var my3DSContainer;
 * threeDSecure.verifyCard({
 *   nonce: existingNonce,
 *   amount: 123.45,
 *   addFrame: function (err, iframe) {
 *     // Set up your UI and add the iframe.
 *     my3DSContainer = document.createElement('div');
 *     my3DSContainer.appendChild(iframe);
 *     document.body.appendChild(my3DSContainer);
 *   },
 *   removeFrame: function () {
 *     // Remove UI that you added in addFrame.
 *     document.body.removeChild(my3DSContainer);
 *   }
 * }, function (err, payload) {
 *   if (err) {
 *     console.error(err);
 *     return;
 *   }
 *   if (payload.liabilityShifted) {
 *     // Liablity has shifted
 *     submitNonceToServer(payload.nonce);
 *   } else if (payload.liabilityShiftPossible) {
 *     // Liablity may still be shifted
 *     // Decide if you want to submit the nonce
 *   } else {
 *     // Liablity has not shifted and will not shift
 *     // Decide if you want to submit the nonce
 *   }
 * });
ThreeDSecure.prototype.verifyCard = function (options) {
  var url, showLoader, addFrame, removeFrame, error, errorOption;
  var self = this;

  options = assign({}, options);

  if (options.customer && options.customer.billingAddress) {
    // map from public API to the API that the Gateway expects
    options.customer.billingAddress.line1 = options.customer.billingAddress.streetAddress;
    options.customer.billingAddress.line2 = options.customer.billingAddress.extendedAddress; = options.customer.billingAddress.locality;
    options.customer.billingAddress.state = options.customer.billingAddress.region;
    options.customer.billingAddress.countryCode = options.customer.billingAddress.countryCodeAlpha2;
    delete options.customer.billingAddress.streetAddress;
    delete options.customer.billingAddress.extendedAddress;
    delete options.customer.billingAddress.locality;
    delete options.customer.billingAddress.region;
    delete options.customer.billingAddress.countryCodeAlpha2;

  if (this._verifyCardInProgress === true) {
  } else if (!options.nonce) {
    errorOption = 'a nonce';
  } else if (!options.amount) {
    errorOption = 'an amount';
  } else if (typeof options.addFrame !== 'function') {
    errorOption = 'an addFrame function';
  } else if (typeof options.removeFrame !== 'function') {
    errorOption = 'a removeFrame function';

  if (errorOption) {
    error = {
      message: 'verifyCard options must include ' + errorOption + '.'

  if (error) {
    return Promise.reject(new BraintreeError(error));

  showLoader = options.showLoader !== false;

  this._verifyCardInProgress = true;

  addFrame = deferred(options.addFrame);
  removeFrame = deferred(options.removeFrame);

  url = 'payment_methods/' + options.nonce + '/three_d_secure/lookup';

  return this._client.request({
    endpoint: url,
    method: 'post',
    data: {amount: options.amount, customer: options.customer}
  }).then(function (response) {
    self._lookupPaymentMethod = response.paymentMethod;

    return new Promise(function (resolve, reject) {
      self._verifyCardCallback = function (verifyErr, payload) {
        self._verifyCardInProgress = false;

        if (verifyErr) {
        } else {

        showLoader: showLoader,
        lookupResponse: response,
        addFrame: addFrame,
        removeFrame: removeFrame
  }).catch(function (err) {
    self._verifyCardInProgress = false;

    return Promise.reject(err);

 * Cancel the 3DS flow and return the verification payload if available.
 * @public
 * @param {callback} [callback] The second argument is a {@link ThreeDSecure~verifyPayload|verifyPayload}. If there is no verifyPayload (the initial lookup did not complete), an error will be returned. If no callback is passed, `cancelVerifyCard` will return a promise.
 * @returns {Promise|void} Returns a promise if no callback is provided.
 * @example
 * threeDSecure.cancelVerifyCard(function (err, verifyPayload) {
 *   if (err) {
 *     // Handle error
 *     console.log(err.message); // No verification payload available
 *     return;
 *   }
 *   verifyPayload.nonce; // The nonce returned from the 3ds lookup call
 *   verifyPayload.liabilityShifted; // boolean
 *   verifyPayload.liabilityShiftPossible; // boolean
 * });
ThreeDSecure.prototype.cancelVerifyCard = function () {
  var response;

  this._verifyCardInProgress = false;

  if (!this._lookupPaymentMethod) {
    return Promise.reject(new BraintreeError(errors.THREEDS_NO_VERIFICATION_PAYLOAD));

  response = assign({}, this._lookupPaymentMethod, {
    liabilityShiftPossible: this._lookupPaymentMethod.threeDSecureInfo.liabilityShiftPossible,
    liabilityShifted: this._lookupPaymentMethod.threeDSecureInfo.liabilityShifted,
    verificationDetails: this._lookupPaymentMethod.threeDSecureInfo.verificationDetails

  return Promise.resolve(response);

ThreeDSecure.prototype._handleLookupResponse = function (options) {
  var lookupResponse = options.lookupResponse;

  if (lookupResponse.lookup && lookupResponse.lookup.acsUrl && lookupResponse.lookup.acsUrl.length > 0) {
    options.addFrame(null, this._createIframe({
      showLoader: options.showLoader,
      response: lookupResponse.lookup,
      removeFrame: options.removeFrame
  } else {
    this._verifyCardCallback(null, {
      nonce: lookupResponse.paymentMethod.nonce,
      liabilityShiftPossible: lookupResponse.threeDSecureInfo.liabilityShiftPossible,
      liabilityShifted: lookupResponse.threeDSecureInfo.liabilityShifted,
      verificationDetails: lookupResponse.threeDSecureInfo

ThreeDSecure.prototype._createIframe = function (options) {
  var url, authenticationCompleteBaseUrl;
  var parentURL = window.location.href;
  var response = options.response;

  this._bus = new Bus({
    channel: uuid(),
    merchantUrl: location.href

  authenticationCompleteBaseUrl = this._assetsUrl + '/web/' + VERSION + '/html/three-d-secure-authentication-complete-frame.html?channel=' + encodeURIComponent( + '&';

  if (parentURL.indexOf('#') > -1) {
    parentURL = parentURL.split('#')[0];

  this._bus.on(, function (reply) {
      acsUrl: response.acsUrl,
      pareq: response.pareq,
      termUrl: response.termUrl + '&three_d_secure_version=' + VERSION + '&authentication_complete_base_url=' + encodeURIComponent(authenticationCompleteBaseUrl),
      parentUrl: parentURL

  this._bus.on(events.AUTHENTICATION_COMPLETE, function (data) {
    this._handleAuthResponse(data, options);

  url = this._assetsUrl + '/web/' + VERSION + '/html/three-d-secure-bank-frame' + useMin(this._isDebug) + '.html?showLoader=' + options.showLoader;

  this._bankIframe = iFramer({
    src: url,
    height: IFRAME_HEIGHT,
    width: IFRAME_WIDTH,
    name: constants.LANDING_FRAME_NAME + '_' +

  return this._bankIframe;

ThreeDSecure.prototype._handleAuthResponse = function (data, options) {
  var authResponse = JSON.parse(data.auth_response);



  // This also has to be in a setTimeout so it executes after the `removeFrame`.
  deferred(function () {
    if (authResponse.success) {
      this._verifyCardCallback(null, this._formatAuthResponse(authResponse.paymentMethod, authResponse.threeDSecureInfo));
    } else if (authResponse.threeDSecureInfo && authResponse.threeDSecureInfo.liabilityShiftPossible) {
      this._verifyCardCallback(null, this._formatAuthResponse(this._lookupPaymentMethod, authResponse.threeDSecureInfo));
    } else {
      this._verifyCardCallback(new BraintreeError({
        type: BraintreeError.types.UNKNOWN,
        code: 'UNKNOWN_AUTH_RESPONSE',
        message: authResponse.error.message

ThreeDSecure.prototype._formatAuthResponse = function (paymentMethod, threeDSecureInfo) {
  return {
    nonce: paymentMethod.nonce,
    details: paymentMethod.details,
    description: paymentMethod.description,
    liabilityShifted: threeDSecureInfo.liabilityShifted,
    liabilityShiftPossible: threeDSecureInfo.liabilityShiftPossible

 * Cleanly remove anything set up by {@link module:braintree-web/three-d-secure.create|create}.
 * @public
 * @param {callback} [callback] Called on completion. If no callback is passed, `teardown` will return a promise.
 * @example
 * threeDSecure.teardown();
 * @example <caption>With callback</caption>
 * threeDSecure.teardown(function () {
 *   // teardown is complete
 * });
 * @returns {Promise|void} Returns a promise if no callback is provided.
ThreeDSecure.prototype.teardown = function () {
  var iframeParent;

  convertMethodsToError(this, methods(ThreeDSecure.prototype));

  analytics.sendEvent(this._options.client, 'threedsecure.teardown-completed');

  if (this._bus) {

  if (this._bankIframe) {
    iframeParent = this._bankIframe.parentNode;

    if (iframeParent) {

  return Promise.resolve();

module.exports = wrapPromise.wrapPrototype(ThreeDSecure);