
'use strict';

var BraintreeError = require('../lib/braintree-error');
var analytics = require('../lib/analytics');
var errors = require('./errors');
var Promise = require('../lib/promise');
var wrapPromise = require('@braintree/wrap-promise');

 * @typedef {object} ApplePay~tokenizePayload
 * @property {string} nonce The payment method nonce.
 * @property {object} details Additional details.
 * @property {string} details.cardType Type of card, ex: Visa, MasterCard.
 * @property {string} details.cardHolderName The name of the card holder.
 * @property {string} details.dpanLastTwo Last two digits of card number.
 * @property {string} description A human-readable description.
 * @property {string} type The payment method type, always `ApplePayCard`.
 * @property {object} binData Information about the card based on the bin.
 * @property {string} binData.commercial Possible values: 'Yes', 'No', 'Unknown'.
 * @property {string} binData.countryOfIssuance The country of issuance.
 * @property {string} binData.debit Possible values: 'Yes', 'No', 'Unknown'.
 * @property {string} binData.durbinRegulated Possible values: 'Yes', 'No', 'Unknown'.
 * @property {string} Possible values: 'Yes', 'No', 'Unknown'.
 * @property {string} binData.issuingBank The issuing bank.
 * @property {string} binData.payroll Possible values: 'Yes', 'No', 'Unknown'.
 * @property {string} binData.prepaid Possible values: 'Yes', 'No', 'Unknown'.
 * @property {string} binData.productId The product id.

 * An Apple Pay Payment Authorization Event object.
 * @typedef {object} ApplePayPaymentAuthorizedEvent
 * @external ApplePayPaymentAuthorizedEvent
 * @see {@link ApplePayPaymentAuthorizedEvent}

 * An Apple Pay Payment Request object.
 * @typedef {object} ApplePayPaymentRequest
 * @external ApplePayPaymentRequest
 * @see {@link PaymentRequest}

 * @class
 * @param {object} options Options
 * @description <strong>You cannot use this constructor directly. Use {@link module:braintree-web/apple-pay.create|braintree.applePay.create} instead.</strong>
 * @classdesc This class represents an Apple Pay component. Instances of this class have methods for validating the merchant server and tokenizing payments.
function ApplePay(options) {
  this._client = options.client;
   * @name ApplePay#merchantIdentifier
   * @description A special merchant ID which represents the merchant association with Braintree. Required when using `ApplePaySession.canMakePaymentsWithActiveCard`.
   * @example
   * var promise = ApplePaySession.canMakePaymentsWithActiveCard(applePayInstance.merchantIdentifier);
   * promise.then(function (canMakePaymentsWithActiveCard) {
   *   if (canMakePaymentsWithActiveCard) {
   *     // Set up Apple Pay buttons
   *   }
   * });
  Object.defineProperty(this, 'merchantIdentifier', {
    value: this._client.getConfiguration().gatewayConfiguration.applePayWeb.merchantIdentifier,
    configurable: false,
    writable: false

 * Merges a payment request with Braintree defaults to return an {external:ApplePayPaymentRequest}.
 * The following properties are assigned to `paymentRequest` if not already defined. Their default values come from the Braintree gateway.
 * - `countryCode`
 * - `currencyCode`
 * - `merchantCapabilities`
 * - `supportedNetworks`
 * @public
 * @param {external:ApplePayPaymentRequest} paymentRequest The payment request details to apply on top of those from Braintree.
 * @returns {external:ApplePayPaymentRequest} The decorated `paymentRequest` object.
 * @example
 * var applePay = require('braintree-web/apple-pay');
 * applePay.create({client: clientInstance}, function (applePayErr, applePayInstance) {
 *   if (applePayErr) {
 *     // Handle error here
 *     return;
 *   }
 *   var paymentRequest = applePayInstance.createPaymentRequest({
 *     total: {
 *       label: 'My Company',
 *       amount: '19.99'
 *     }
 *   });
 *   var session = new ApplePaySession(2, paymentRequest);
 *   // ...
ApplePay.prototype.createPaymentRequest = function (paymentRequest) {
  var applePay = this._client.getConfiguration().gatewayConfiguration.applePayWeb;
  var defaults = {
    countryCode: applePay.countryCode,
    currencyCode: applePay.currencyCode,
    merchantCapabilities: applePay.merchantCapabilities || ['supports3DS'],
    supportedNetworks: (network) {
      return network === 'mastercard' ? 'masterCard' : network;

  return Object.assign({}, defaults, paymentRequest);

 * Validates your merchant website, as required by `ApplePaySession` before payment can be authorized.
 * @public
 * @param {object} options Options
 * @param {string} options.validationURL The validationURL fram an `ApplePayValidateMerchantEvent`.
 * @param {string} options.displayName The canonical name for your store. Use a non-localized name. This parameter should be a UTF-8 string that is a maximum of 128 characters. The system may display this name to the user.
 * @param {callback} [callback] The second argument, <code>data</code>, is the Apple Pay merchant session object. If no callback is provided, `performValidation` returns a promise.
 * Pass the merchant session to your Apple Pay session's `completeMerchantValidation` method.
 * @returns {Promise|void} Returns a promise if no callback is provided.
 * @example
 * var applePay = require('braintree-web/apple-pay');
 * applePay.create({client: clientInstance}, function (applePayErr, applePayInstance) {
 *   if (applePayErr) {
 *     // Handle error here
 *     return;
 *   }
 *   var paymentRequest = applePayInstance.createPaymentRequest({
 *     total: {
 *       label: 'My Company',
 *       amount: '19.99'
 *     }
 *   });
 *   var session = new ApplePaySession(2, paymentRequest);
 *   session.onvalidatemerchant = function (event) {
 *     applePayInstance.performValidation({
 *       validationURL: event.validationURL,
 *       displayName: 'My Great Store'
 *     }, function (validationErr, validationData) {
 *       if (validationErr) {
 *         console.error(validationErr);
 *         session.abort();
 *         return;
 *       }
 *       session.completeMerchantValidation(validationData);
 *     });
 *   };
 * });
ApplePay.prototype.performValidation = function (options) {
  var applePayWebSession;
  var self = this;

  if (!options || !options.validationURL) {
    return Promise.reject(new BraintreeError(errors.APPLE_PAY_VALIDATION_URL_REQUIRED));

  applePayWebSession = {
    validationUrl: options.validationURL,
    domainName: options.domainName || global.location.hostname,
    merchantIdentifier: options.merchantIdentifier || this.merchantIdentifier

  if (options.displayName != null) {
    applePayWebSession.displayName = options.displayName;

  return this._client.request({
    method: 'post',
    endpoint: 'apple_pay_web/sessions',
    data: {
      _meta: {source: 'apple-pay'},
      applePayWebSession: applePayWebSession
  }).then(function (response) {
    analytics.sendEvent(self._client, 'applepay.performValidation.succeeded');
    return Promise.resolve(response);
  }).catch(function (err) {
    analytics.sendEvent(self._client, 'applepay.performValidation.failed');

    if (err.code === 'CLIENT_REQUEST_ERROR') {
      return Promise.reject(new BraintreeError({
        message: errors.APPLE_PAY_MERCHANT_VALIDATION_FAILED.message,
        details: {
          originalError: err.details.originalError

    return Promise.reject(new BraintreeError({
      message: errors.APPLE_PAY_MERCHANT_VALIDATION_NETWORK.message,
      details: {
        originalError: err

 * Tokenizes an Apple Pay payment. This will likely be called in your `ApplePaySession`'s `onpaymentauthorized` callback.
 * @public
 * @param {object} options Options
 * @param {object} options.token The `payment.token` property of an {@link external:ApplePayPaymentAuthorizedEvent}.
 * @param {callback} [callback] The second argument, <code>data</code>, is a {@link ApplePay~tokenizePayload|tokenizePayload}. If no callback is provided, `tokenize` returns a promise that resolves with a {@link ApplePay~tokenizePayload|tokenizePayload}.
 * @returns {Promise|void} Returns a promise if no callback is provided.
 * @example
 * var applePay = require('braintree-web/apple-pay');
 * applePay.create({client: clientInstance}, function (applePayErr, applePayInstance) {
 *   if (applePayErr) {
 *     // Handle error here
 *     return;
 *   }
 *   var paymentRequest = applePayInstance.createPaymentRequest({
 *     total: {
 *       label: 'My Company',
 *       amount: '19.99'
 *     }
 *   });
 *   var session = new ApplePaySession(2, paymentRequest);
 *   session.onpaymentauthorized = function (event) {
 *     applePayInstance.tokenize({
 *       token: event.payment.token
 *     }, function (tokenizeErr, tokenizedPayload) {
 *       if (tokenizeErr) {
 *         session.completePayment(ApplePaySession.STATUS_FAILURE);
 *         return;
 *       }
 *       session.completePayment(ApplePaySession.STATUS_SUCCESS);
 *       // Send the tokenizedPayload to your server here!
 *     });
 *   };
 *   // ...
 * });
ApplePay.prototype.tokenize = function (options) {
  var self = this;

  if (!options.token) {
    return Promise.reject(new BraintreeError(errors.APPLE_PAY_PAYMENT_TOKEN_REQUIRED));

  return this._client.request({
    method: 'post',
    endpoint: 'payment_methods/apple_payment_tokens',
    data: {
      _meta: {
        source: 'apple-pay'
      applePaymentToken: Object.assign({}, options.token, {
        // The gateway requires this key to be base64-encoded.
        paymentData: btoa(JSON.stringify(options.token.paymentData))
  }).then(function (response) {
    analytics.sendEvent(self._client, 'applepay.tokenize.succeeded');
    return Promise.resolve(response.applePayCards[0]);
  }).catch(function (err) {
    analytics.sendEvent(self._client, 'applepay.tokenize.failed');

    return Promise.reject(new BraintreeError({
      type: errors.APPLE_PAY_TOKENIZATION.type,
      code: errors.APPLE_PAY_TOKENIZATION.code,
      message: errors.APPLE_PAY_TOKENIZATION.message,
      details: {
        originalError: err

module.exports = wrapPromise.wrapPrototype(ApplePay);