'use strict';
* @module braintree-web/paypal
* @description A component to integrate with PayPal.
var analytics = require('../lib/analytics');
var BraintreeError = require('../lib/braintree-error');
var browserDetection = require('../lib/browser-detection');
var deferred = require('../lib/deferred');
var errors = require('./shared/errors');
var throwIfNoCallback = require('../lib/throw-if-no-callback');
var PayPal = require('./external/paypal');
var sharedErrors = require('../lib/errors');
var VERSION = process.env.npm_package_version;
* @static
* @function create
* @param {object} options Creation options:
* @param {Client} options.client A {@link Client} instance.
* @param {callback} callback The second argument, `data`, is the {@link PayPal} instance.
* @example
* // We recomend creating your PayPal button with button.js
* // For an example, see http://codepen.io/braintree/pen/LNKJWa
* var paypalButton = document.querySelector('.paypal-button');
* braintree.client.create({
* }, function (clientErr, clientInstance) {
* if (clientErr) {
* console.error('Error creating client:', clientErr);
* return;
* }
* braintree.paypal.create({
* client: clientInstance
* }, function (paypalErr, paypalInstance) {
* if (paypalErr) {
* console.error('Error creating PayPal:', paypalErr);
* return;
* }
* paypalButton.removeAttribute('disabled');
* // When the button is clicked, attempt to tokenize.
* paypalButton.addEventListener('click', function (event) {
* // Because tokenization opens a popup, this has to be called as a result of
* // customer action, like clicking a button. You cannot call this at any time.
* paypalInstance.tokenize({
* flow: 'vault'
* // For more tokenization options, see the full PayPal tokenization documentation
* // http://braintree.github.io/braintree-web/current/PayPal.html#tokenize
* }, function (tokenizeErr, payload) {
* if (tokenizeErr) {
* if (tokenizeErr.type !== 'CUSTOMER') {
* console.error('Error tokenizing:', tokenizeErr);
* }
* return;
* }
* // Tokenization succeeded
* paypalButton.setAttribute('disabled', true);
* console.log('Got a nonce! You should submit this to your server.');
* console.log(payload.nonce);
* });
* }, false);
* });
* });
* @returns {void}
function create(options, callback) {
var config, pp, clientVersion;
throwIfNoCallback(callback, 'create');
callback = deferred(callback);
if (options.client == null) {
callback(new BraintreeError({
message: 'options.client is required when instantiating PayPal.'
config = options.client.getConfiguration();
clientVersion = config.analyticsMetadata.sdkVersion;
if (clientVersion !== VERSION) {
callback(new BraintreeError({
type: sharedErrors.INCOMPATIBLE_VERSIONS.type,
code: sharedErrors.INCOMPATIBLE_VERSIONS.code,
message: 'Client (version ' + clientVersion + ') and PayPal (version ' + VERSION + ') components must be from the same SDK version.'
if (config.gatewayConfiguration.paypalEnabled !== true) {
callback(new BraintreeError(errors.PAYPAL_NOT_ENABLED));
if (!isSupported()) {
callback(new BraintreeError(errors.PAYPAL_BROWSER_NOT_SUPPORTED));
analytics.sendEvent(options.client, 'paypal.initialized');
pp = new PayPal(options);
pp._initialize(function () {
callback(null, pp);
* @static
* @function isSupported
* @description Returns true if PayPal [supports this browser](/current/#browser-support-webviews).
* @example
* if (braintree.paypal.isSupported()) {
* // Add PayPal button to the page
* } else {
* // Hide PayPal payment option
* }
* @returns {Boolean} Returns true if PayPal supports this browser.
function isSupported() {
return Boolean(global.popupBridge || browserDetection.supportsPopups());
module.exports = {
create: create,
isSupported: isSupported,
* @description The current version of the SDK, i.e. `{@pkg version}`.
* @type {string}