
'use strict';

var frameService = require('../../lib/frame-service/external');
var BraintreeError = require('../../lib/braintree-error');
var useMin = require('../../lib/use-min');
var VERSION = process.env.npm_package_version;
var INTEGRATION_TIMEOUT_MS = require('../../lib/constants').INTEGRATION_TIMEOUT_MS;
var analytics = require('../../lib/analytics');
var methods = require('../../lib/methods');
var convertMethodsToError = require('../../lib/convert-methods-to-error');
var convertToBraintreeError = require('../../lib/convert-to-braintree-error');
var Promise = require('../../lib/promise');
var querystring = require('../../lib/querystring');
var wrapPromise = require('@braintree/wrap-promise');
var constants = require('./constants');
var errors = require('../shared/errors');

 * @class
 * @param {object} options see {@link module:braintree-web/local-payment.create|local-payment.create}
 * @classdesc This class represents a LocalPayment component. Instances of this class can open a LocalPayment window for paying with alternate payments local to a specific country. Any additional UI, such as disabling the page while authentication is taking place, is up to the developer.
 * @description <strong>Do not use this constructor directly. Use {@link module:braintree-web/local-payment.create|braintree-web.local-payment.create} instead.</strong>
function LocalPayment(options) {
  this._client = options.client;
  this._assetsUrl = options.client.getConfiguration().gatewayConfiguration.assetsUrl + '/web/' + VERSION;
  this._isDebug = options.client.getConfiguration().isDebug;
  this._loadingFrameUrl = this._assetsUrl + '/html/local-payment-landing-frame' + useMin(this._isDebug) + '.html';
  this._authorizationInProgress = false;
  this._paymentType = 'unknown';
  this._merchantAccountId = options.merchantAccountId;

LocalPayment.prototype._initialize = function () {
  var self = this;
  var client = this._client;
  var failureTimeout = setTimeout(function () {
    analytics.sendEvent(client, 'local-payment.load.timed-out');

  return new Promise(function (resolve) {
      name: 'localpaymentlandingpage',
      dispatchFrameUrl: self._assetsUrl + '/html/dispatch-frame' + useMin(self._isDebug) + '.html',
      openFrameUrl: self._loadingFrameUrl
    }, function (service) {
      self._frameService = service;
      analytics.sendEvent(client, 'local-payment.load.succeeded');

 * Launches the local payment flow and returns a nonce payload. Only one local payment flow should be active at a time. One way to achieve this is to disable your local payment button while the flow is open.
 * @public
 * @function
 * @param {object} options All options for initiating the local payment payment flow.
 * @param {object} options.fallback Configuration for what to do when app switching back from a Bank app on a mobile device.
 * @param {string} options.fallback.buttonText The text to insert into a button to redirect back to the merchant page.
 * @param {string} options.fallback.url The url to redirect to when the redirect button is activated. Query params will be added to the url to process the data returned from the bank.
 * @param {string} options.amount The amount to authorize for the transaction.
 * @param {string} options.currencyCode The currency to process the payment.
 * @param {string} options.paymentType The type of local payment.
 * @param {string} options.email Payer email of the customer.
 * @param {string} options.givenName First name of the customer.
 * @param {string} options.surname Last name of the customer.
 * @param {string} options.phone Phone number of the customer.
 * @param {boolean} options.shippingAddressRequired Indicates whether or not the payment needs to be shipped. For digital goods, this should be false. Defaults to false.
 * @param {string} options.address.streetAddress Line 1 of the Address (eg. number, street, etc). An error will occur if this address is not valid.
 * @param {string} options.address.extendedAddress Line 2 of the Address (eg. suite, apt #, etc.). An error will occur if this address is not valid.
 * @param {string} options.address.locality Customer's city.
 * @param {string} options.address.region Customer's region or state.
 * @param {string} options.address.postalCode Customer's postal code.
 * @param {string} options.address.countryCode Customer's country code.
 * @param {function} options.onPaymentStart A function that will be called with two parameters: an object containing the  `paymentId` and a `continueCallback` that must be called to launch the flow. You can use method to do any preprocessing on your server before the flow begins..
 * @param {callback} [callback] The second argument, <code>data</code>, is a {@link LocalPayment~startPaymentPayload|startPaymentPayload}. If no callback is provided, the method will return a Promise that resolves with a {@link LocalPayment~startPaymentPayload|startPaymentPayload}.
 * @example
 * button.addEventListener('click', function () {
 *   // Disable the button when local payment is in progress
 *   button.setAttribute('disabled', 'disabled');
 *   // Because startPayment opens a new window, this must be called
 *   // as a result of a user action, such as a button click.
 *   localPaymentInstance.startPayment({
 *     paymentType: 'ideal',
 *     fallback: {
 *       buttonText: 'Return to Merchant',
 *       url: 'https://example.com/my-checkout-page'
 *     },
 *     amount: '10.00',
 *     currencyCode: 'EUR',
 *     onPaymentStart: function (data, continueCallback) {
 *       // Do any preprocessing before starting the flow
 *       // data.paymentId is the ID of the localPayment
 *       continueCallback();
 *     }
 *   }).then(function (payload) {
 *     button.removeAttribute('disabled');
 *     // Submit payload.nonce to your server
 *   }).catch(function (startPaymentError) {
 *     button.removeAttribute('disabled');
 *     // Handle flow errors or premature flow closure
 *     console.error('Error!', startPaymentError);
 *   });
 * });
 * @returns {Promise|void}
LocalPayment.prototype.startPayment = wrapPromise(function (options) {
  var address, params;
  var self = this; // eslint-disable-line no-invalid-this
  var serviceId = this._frameService._serviceId; // eslint-disable-line no-invalid-this

  if (hasMissingOption(options)) {
    return Promise.reject(new BraintreeError(errors.LOCAL_PAYMENT_START_PAYMENT_MISSING_REQUIRED_OPTION));

  address = options.address || {};
  params = {
    intent: 'sale',
    returnUrl: querystring.queryify(self._assetsUrl + '/html/local-payment-redirect-frame' + useMin(self._isDebug) + '.html', {
      channel: serviceId,
      r: options.fallback.url,
      t: options.fallback.buttonText
    cancelUrl: querystring.queryify(self._assetsUrl + '/html/local-payment-cancel-frame' + useMin(self._isDebug) + '.html', {
      channel: serviceId
    experienceProfile: {
      noShipping: !options.shippingAddressRequired
    fundingSource: options.paymentType,
    amount: options.amount,
    currencyIsoCode: options.currencyCode,
    firstName: options.givenName,
    lastName: options.surname,
    payerEmail: options.email,
    phone: options.phone,
    line1: address.streetAddress,
    line2: address.extendedAddress,
    city: address.locality,
    state: address.region,
    postalCode: address.postalCode,
    countryCode: address.countryCode,
    merchantAccountId: self._merchantAccountId

  self._paymentType = options.paymentType.toLowerCase();
  if (self._authorizationInProgress) {
    analytics.sendEvent(self._client, self._paymentType + '.local-payment.start-payment.error.already-opened');

    return Promise.reject(new BraintreeError(errors.LOCAL_PAYMENT_ALREADY_IN_PROGRESS));

  self._authorizationInProgress = true;

  return new Promise(function (resolve, reject) {
    self._startPaymentCallback = self._createStartPaymentCallback(resolve, reject);

    self._frameService.open({}, self._startPaymentCallback);

      method: 'post',
      endpoint: 'paypal_hermes/create_payment_resource',
      data: params
    }).then(function (response) {
      analytics.sendEvent(self._client, self._paymentType + '.local-payment.start-payment.opened');
      self._startPaymentOptions = options;
      options.onPaymentStart({paymentId: response.paymentResource.paymentToken}, function () {
    }).catch(function (err) {
      var status = err.details && err.details.httpStatus;

      self._authorizationInProgress = false;

      if (status === 422) {
        reject(new BraintreeError({
          type: errors.LOCAL_PAYMENT_INVALID_PAYMENT_OPTION.type,
          code: errors.LOCAL_PAYMENT_INVALID_PAYMENT_OPTION.code,
          message: errors.LOCAL_PAYMENT_INVALID_PAYMENT_OPTION.message,
          details: {
            originalError: err


      reject(convertToBraintreeError(err, {
        type: errors.LOCAL_PAYMENT_START_PAYMENT_FAILED.type,
        code: errors.LOCAL_PAYMENT_START_PAYMENT_FAILED.code,
        message: errors.LOCAL_PAYMENT_START_PAYMENT_FAILED.message

 * Manually tokenizes params for a local payment received from PayPal.When app switching back from a mobile application (such as a bank application for an iDEAL payment), the window may lose context with the parent page. In that case, a fallback url is used, and this method can be used to finish the flow.
 * @public
 * @function
 * @param {object} [params] All options for tokenizing local payment parameters. If no params are passed in, the params will be pulled off of the query string of the page.
 * @param {string} params.btLpToken The token representing the local payment. Aliased to `token` if `btLpToken` is not present.
 * @param {string} params.btLpPaymentId The payment id for the local payment. Aliased to `paymentId` if `btLpPaymentId` is not present.
 * @param {string} params.btLpPayerId The payer id for the local payment. Aliased to `PayerID` if `btLpPayerId` is not present.
 * @param {callback} [callback] The second argument, <code>data</code>, is a {@link LocalPayment~startPaymentPayload|startPaymentPayload}. If no callback is provided, the method will return a Promise that resolves with a {@link LocalPayment~startPaymentPayload|startPaymentPayload}.
 * @example
 * localPaymentInstance.tokenize().then(function (payload) {
 *   // send payload.nonce to your server
 * }).catch(function (err) {
 *   // handle tokenization error
 * });
 * @returns {Promise|void} Returns a promise if no callback is provided.
LocalPayment.prototype.tokenize = function (params) {
  var self = this;
  var client = this._client;

  params = params || querystring.parse();

  return client.request({
    endpoint: 'payment_methods/paypal_accounts',
    method: 'post',
    data: this._formatTokenizeData(params)
  }).then(function (response) {
    var payload = self._formatTokenizePayload(response);

    if (global.popupBridge) {
      analytics.sendEvent(client, self._paymentType + '.local-payment.tokenization.success-popupbridge');
    } else {
      analytics.sendEvent(client, self._paymentType + '.local-payment.tokenization.success');

    return payload;
  }).catch(function (err) {
    analytics.sendEvent(client, self._paymentType + '.local-payment.tokenization.failed');

    return Promise.reject(convertToBraintreeError(err, {
      message: errors.LOCAL_PAYMENT_TOKENIZATION_FAILED.message

 * Closes the LocalPayment window if it is open.
 * @public
 * @example
 * localPaymentInstance.closeWindow();
 * @returns {void}
LocalPayment.prototype.closeWindow = function () {
  if (this._authoriztionInProgress) {
    analytics.sendEvent(this._client, this._paymentType + '.local-payment.start-payment.closed.by-merchant');

 * Focuses the LocalPayment window if it is open.
 * @public
 * @example
 * localPaymentInstance.focusWindow();
 * @returns {void}
LocalPayment.prototype.focusWindow = function () {

LocalPayment.prototype._createStartPaymentCallback = function (resolve, reject) {
  var self = this;
  var client = this._client;

  return function (err, params) {
    self._authorizationInProgress = false;
    if (err) {
      if (err.code === 'FRAME_SERVICE_FRAME_CLOSED') {
        analytics.sendEvent(client, self._paymentType + '.local-payment.tokenization.closed.by-user');
        reject(new BraintreeError(errors.LOCAL_PAYMENT_WINDOW_CLOSED));
      } else if (err.code && err.code.indexOf('FRAME_SERVICE_FRAME_OPEN_FAILED') > -1) {
        reject(new BraintreeError({
          code: errors.LOCAL_PAYMENT_WINDOW_OPEN_FAILED.code,
          type: errors.LOCAL_PAYMENT_WINDOW_OPEN_FAILED.type,
          message: errors.LOCAL_PAYMENT_WINDOW_OPEN_FAILED.message,
          details: {
            originalError: err
    } else if (params) {
      if (!global.popupBridge) {

      self.tokenize(params).then(resolve).catch(reject).then(function () {

LocalPayment.prototype._formatTokenizePayload = function (response) {
  var payload;
  var account = {};

  if (response.paypalAccounts) {
    account = response.paypalAccounts[0];

  payload = {
    nonce: account.nonce,
    details: {},
    type: account.type

  if (account.details) {
    if (account.details.payerInfo) {
      payload.details = account.details.payerInfo;
    if (account.details.correlationId) {
      payload.correlationId = account.details.correlationId;

  return payload;

 * Checks if required tokenizaiton parameters are available in querystring for manual toenization requests.
 * @public
 * @function
 * @example
 * // if query string contains
 * // ?btLpToken=token&btLpPaymentId=payment-id&btLpPayerId=payer-id
 * localPaymentInstance.hasTokenizationParams(); // true
 * // if query string is missing required params
 * localPaymentInstance.hasTokenizationParams(); // false
 * if (localPaymentInstance.hasTokenizationParams()) {
 *   localPaymentInstance.tokenize();
 * }
 * @returns {Boolean} Returns a Boolean value for the state of the query string.
LocalPayment.prototype.hasTokenizationParams = function () {
  var params = querystring.parse();

  return Boolean(params.btLpToken && params.btLpPaymentId && params.btLpPayerId);

LocalPayment.prototype._formatTokenizeData = function (params) {
  var clientConfiguration = this._client.getConfiguration();
  var gatewayConfiguration = clientConfiguration.gatewayConfiguration;
  var data = {
    merchantAccountId: this._merchantAccountId,
    paypalAccount: {
      correlationId: params.btLpToken || params.token,
      paymentToken: params.btLpPaymentId || params.paymentId,
      payerId: params.btLpPayerId || params.PayerID,
      unilateral: gatewayConfiguration.paypal.unvettedMerchant,
      intent: 'sale'

  return data;

function hasMissingOption(options) {
  var i, option;

  if (!options) {
    return true;

  for (i = 0; i < constants.REQUIRED_OPTIONS_FOR_START_PAYMENT.length; i++) {
    option = constants.REQUIRED_OPTIONS_FOR_START_PAYMENT[i];

    if (!options.hasOwnProperty(option)) {
      return true;

  if (!(options.fallback.url && options.fallback.buttonText)) {
    return true;

  return false;

 * Cleanly remove anything set up by {@link module:braintree-web/local-payment.create|create}.
 * @public
 * @param {callback} [callback] Called on completion.
 * @example
 * localPaymentInstance.teardown();
 * @example <caption>With callback</caption>
 * localPaymentInstance.teardown(function () {
 *   // teardown is complete
 * });
 * @returns {Promise|void} Returns a promise if no callback is provided.
LocalPayment.prototype.teardown = wrapPromise(function () {
  var self = this; // eslint-disable-line no-invalid-this


  convertMethodsToError(self, methods(LocalPayment.prototype));

  analytics.sendEvent(self._client, 'local-payment.teardown-completed');

  return Promise.resolve();

module.exports = LocalPayment;